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NRCAL logoVietnamese Language Program

Fall 2024: September 7 - December 21, 2024

Online Learning Program

Schedule for Children under 18 years old 
Saturday 9:00-10:00am PST 
Schedule for Adults 18+
Saturday 8:00-9:00 am PST

Class Fee: $44.95 per Semester

NRCAL is offering online Vietnamese language courses for children and adults. Lessons are guided by Common Core Standards, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Inclusivity & Diversity, and Creativity and Innovation. There are 4 different levels for children and adults.

Lesson Topics Include:

  • Identity Development
  • Family & Community
  • Culture & Heritage
  • Nature & Science

Registration Deadline:

August 10, 2024

Space is limited. First come, first served basis. 

For any questions, please contact

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Sign up to give a gift before August 4, 2024