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NRCAL logoVietnamese Children Book Writing Contest

Writing Contest 2023

About the Contest

The National Resource Center for Asian Languages (NRCAL) promotes Vietnamese Literacy Development. Nurturing the love for the Vietnamese language in children not only helps intergenerational communications in families, but it also develops self-confidence in children and affirms their cultural identity and biliteracy. Awarded texts will be published and made available as resources to the PreK-12 Vietnamese language programs across the U.S.

Trung Tâm Tài Liệu Quốc Gia Về Ngôn Ngữ Châu Á (NRCAL) ủng hộ những dự án nâng cao trình độ giảng dạy và học tập Việt ngữ ở hải ngoại. Khuyến khích lòng yêu mến tiếng Việt của các em không những giúp cho sự giao tiếp trong gia đình giữa những thế hệ khác nhau mà còn phát triển sự tự tin, khả năng song ngữ và bản sắc văn hoá của các em. Những cuốn sách được giải sẽ được minh hoạ và phát hành, là một tài liệu quý báu cho những chương trình song ngữ và Việt ngữ ở nước Mỹ.


3 prizes per Age Group: $150, $100, $50

Age Groups: 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15-17, & 18+

Winners' books will be illustrated and published by the National Resource Center for Asian Languages.


Mental Health Among Asian Americans

  • What are the mental health issues experienced by Asian American youths?
  • How does mental health impact Asian American youths?
  • How do we address mental health issues among Asian Americans?
  • How do we promote health lifestyles?

How to Apply

For more information on guidelines and submission, go to the form link.

You will need to sign into your Gmail account to access the form.

Access Here

Contest Information

Please use the links below to see the grading criteria and grading matrix.

Grading Criteria Grading Matrix

Matrix Link is Word Document

Sumbission Date: July 1, 2023

Contact Us

Questions? Contact us at

Câu hỏi? Liên hệ với chúng tôi tại

Seeking Inspiration?

View Former Contest Information.


Can past winners participate?

Yes, past winners can participate.

What can I write on? How many pages can I write?

The topics, grading rubrics, and samples of former writings are on our website.

How can I contact the organize with any questions?

Please email, or call (657) 278-

Can I co-write in a team of two with another student?

No, you cannot co-write with another student.

The contents of this event were developed under the grant from the Department of Education. however, it's content does not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.