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NSM SSC Peer Tutoring Program

Peer Tutoring Program Information and Instructions

We are here to help you succeed in your science and math courses! We tutor specific Biology (BIOL), Chemistry (CHEM), Geology (GEOL), Mathematics (MATH), and Physics (PHYS) courses for all CSUF students. We offer both one-on-one and group course-based tutoring by appointment and drop-in. Our drop-in and group tutoring schedules are dependent on the specific courses to be tutored, they also change each semester based on the tutors preferences. Tutoring begins the second week of the Fall and Spring semesters.

Fall 2024 Tutoring Schedule 

  • Aaron Kim - Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays 3pm-5pm, and Fridays 10am-12pm
    • Tutoring Mathematics: MATH 100, MATH 110, MATH 115, MATH 125, MATH 135, MATH 150A, MATH 180
  • Kaelyn Marquez - Monday and Wednesday 10am-11am, Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am-11:30am 
    • Tutoring Mathematics: MATH 106, MATH 115A, MATH 115B, MATH 116
  • Melanie Gamez - Mondays 3pm-6pm, Wednesdays 2pm-6pm
    • Tutoring Mathematics: MATH 115, MATH 115A, MATH 115B
  • Alexis Saeteurn - Mondays 9am-11am, Thursdays 2pm-5pm
    • Tutoring Biology: BIOL 151
    • Tutoring Chemistry: CHEM 115, CHEM 120A
    • Tutoring Mathematics: MATH 150B
  • Krish Kumar - Mondays 3pm-6pm, Tuesdays 4pm-6pm, Wednesdays 3pm-5pm, Fridays 12pm-2pm
    • Tutoring Chemistry: CHEM 120A, CHEM 120B, CHEM 201A, CHEM 301B, CHEM 315, CHEM 423A, CHEM 423B
    • Tutoring Biology: BIOL 251
    • Tutoring Mathematics: MATH 115, MATH 150A
  • Kanishka Kumar - Mondays 3pm-5pm, Tuesdays 4pm-6pm, Wednesdays 3pm-6pm, Friday 12pm-2pm
    • Tutoring Chemistry: CHEM 120A, CHEM 120B, CHEM 301A, CHEM 301B, CHEM 315, CHEM 423A, CHEM 423B
    • Tutoring Biology: BIOL 151, BIOL 251, BIOL 302, BIOL 424
    • Tutoring Physics: PHYS 211
    • Tutoring Mathematics: MATH 115, MATH 150A
  • Jaden Segovia - Tuesdays and Thursdays 1pm-2pm, and 4pm-6pm
    • Tutoring Mathematics: MATH 302, MATH 307, MATH 350, MATH 412, MATH 414

Make an appointment

Students can schedule a one 45-minute appointment per day, up to two times a week. Students my schedule up to two weeks in advance but you cannot schedule same day appointments. Appointments for which a student does not 'show' are part of the weekly count for all tutees. If you have three no-show appointments in a semester, you will not be allowed to self-schedule further tutoring appointments. Please do your best to cancel your appointment if you cannot make it!

You can make an appointment through TitanNet. Click "Make an appointment" and choose tutoring for appointment type, then course-based tutoring for service, then choose NSM Student Success Center for location. You can choose to meet with a tutor virtually (through zoom) or in-person (in MH-488) when booking a meeting on TitanNet, under meeting types. Not sure how to make an appointment? Drop by the center in MH-488 and a Student Assistant can make one for you. 

How tutoring works

Teaching and tutoring are two different things. The tutor will explain a key point that the tutee has not been introduced to by keeping the explanation clear, minimal and to the point. Tutors will provide an opportunity for the tutee to find and use available resources. This will mean the tutee's textbook, lecture notes, past tests, previous examples, etc. Tutors will listen very carefully. Is the tutee grasping the concept? Can they explain it easily, or does it take some effort? The tutors are trained to first ask questions of the tutee in order to understand what part of the learning process difficulty may be occurring. They then ask more questions to help guide the student through these difficulties. Tutors will offer tips and advice to support the student's learning throughout the session. The goal of the tutor is not to give tutees the answers, but to help students to think through their difficulties successfully and independently. A few minutes will be set aside at the end of each session for the tutee to summarize what has been accomplished. This not only helps tutors confirm that the tutee understands all that was covered, but also helps the tutee to review new concepts.

Study Tips

While you attend CSUF, we want you to know the best practices for studying to make sure you are equipped to succeed academically. Transitioning from high school or other institutions to major courses and labs, you will notice a difference in course expectations and time spent in and outside of class. A good place to start is to study at least 2-3 hours per unit you are taking per week. For example, if you are taking 12 units this semester, try dedicating at least 24 hours in your week to studying (12 units x 2 hours = 24 hours study time). Use a calendar or agenda to create monthly and daily schedules that include study time. Prioritize, set goals, and plan accordingly. 

Below you will find useful study tips to help you stay on track through the semester.

At the start of the semester:

  • Read your class syllabi closely.
  • Schedule all assignment due dates in each class. Start at the end! You can work your way back from finals week so you can plan out your whole semester at a glance.
  • Find a regular place to study which is free of distractions. Create a space that is conducive for you and your learning. If on campus you can use spaces like the library or the NSM Student Success Center.
  • Create a routine that works for you and stick with it. Remember to prioritize and be realistic with your goals. 

Actions to take weekly/daily:

  • Do at least a little bit every day. Studying is cumulative.
  • Review class notes before class and rewrite them after class.
  • Pay attention when you study. Minimize distractions. Setting aside separate times for studying and for socializing is better than trying to study and socialize simultaneously.
  • Attend class, participate, ask questions.
  • Try to make sense of the material you are learning. Relate the material to your every day life and try explaining it to your friends and family.
  • Attend tutoring sessions, SI, and office hours. Research shows that students who engage in these ways achieve higher grades than those who do not.
  • Work in study groups if they are productive for you.
  • Aim to complete assignments 1-2 days in advance.
  • Rework problems missed on tests.
  • Complete additional problems.
  • Get help right away. Semesters go very fast and you want to avoid falling behind.

If you are not doing well in class, try something else. Talk with your professor, seek tutoring, study with classmates. If your current approach is not working, try a new one.