Orientation Leaders

Become an Orientation Leader

Orientation Leaders (OL's) are students who convey information to incoming students about unversity programs and services. OL's participate in all Titan Orientation Programs related events and play an important role in facilitating and the adjustment of new students to the Titan community. 

This is our Orientation Leader Position DescriptionOpens in new window

The following information is our Fall Timeline for becoming an OL.

  • Attend an Info Session: November 2020
    • An info session is important to find out in depth information about being an OL. You will also find our compensation chart at an info session. An info session is not required to submit an application but is highly recommended. 
  • Application Opens: November 2, 2020
  • Application Closes: December 6, 2020
  • First Round Interviews: Second week of January
  • Second Round Interviews: Thrid week of January
  • Offers Finalized: First week of February















The following are commitments that all of our OL's agree to once offered a position:

  • Spring Semester Trainings: Friday's 10 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
     **Spring training starts the second week of shool**
  • Spring Retreat: Third Saturday of the semester
  • Summer Training: First week of June
  • Summer Orientations:
      • Dates: June, July, and August.
      • Orientation Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday







QR CodeScan the QR to apply! 

Orientation Leader Flyer