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Community Service Programs

Community Service Programs enhance the Titan Experience by providing a variety of community service opportunities for students to engage with the local community through intentional, high impact services and programs.

Student Life and Leadership offers a variety of ongoing and one-time volunteer opportunities for students to engage in. With programs serving foster children, adult transition students, and senior citizens, there are many of opportunities to choose form.

Below are our ongoing community service opportunities:

Titans Forever

Join us as we spend time with seniors at Kaego's Richman Gardens located near Downtown Fullerton. Volunteers will have an opportunity to socialize and engage in various activities and art projects with the seniors. Events generally take place on Fridays each month.

For more information or to RSVP, please visit our TitanLink page  . RSVPs are required a minimum of 24 hours in advance to attend.

Tuffy's Friends at CSUF

Tuffy's Friends is dedicated to fostering friendships between Cal State Fullerton students and individuals with varying disabilities in the surrounding community.

Volunteers participate in a variety of group activities with special education students aged 18-22 from the Fullerton Joint Union High School District’s Adult Transition Program. Our events are fun and volunteers will get to make new friends. Events are generally held on Fridays each month.

To RSVP, or for more info, please visit our TitanLink page. RSVPing in advance is highly recommended so we can communicate any necessary information with you ahead of time.

Large Scale Volunteer Opportunities

Student Life and Leadership works to coordinate or promote large-scale volunteer opportunities throughout the year, often in collaboration with other organizations on and off campus. These activities such as Love Fullerton Day  allow the campus community to come together in support of various causes.

To search for upcoming Large Scale Volunteer opportunities, please visit our  TitanLink page  .

Titan Kids at Orangewood

Titan Kids works with Orangewood Children’s Home (OCH). OCH provides a safe environment for children in Orange County who are in the foster system, through no fault of their own.

Volunteers visit the Orangewood Children’s Home once a month to interact with the children through a variety of activities such as storytelling, arts and crafts, and active games. These events take place in Orange.

Due to ongoing health concerns, our volunteer group for this program is currently unable to accept new volunteers. Please check back in the future for updates.