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We want you to have the best experience possible here at Cal State Fullerton. The Student Conduct team is here to assist you in meeting your goals at CSUF by helping you understand university expectations regarding academic integrity and student behavior in our Titan community.

These standards are outlined in the University Policy Statements, as well as in other related materials such as the University Catalog and the syllabus for each of your classes. Students are expected to know these rules and abide by them.


"Academic integrity is a commitment, even in the face of adversity, to six fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and courage"

International Center for Academic Integrity    

Academic Integrity is fundamental to the pursuit of truth and knowledge at any institution of higher education and these core values are essential to the function of the academic community at Cal State Fullerton. Only by maintaining the highest standards of integrity is the evaluating of students' academic performance, the conducting of research, and the ultimate awarding of degrees meaningful and representative of genuine accomplishment. See our page on  Policies and Procedures  for the documents that govern academic integrity.


Academic dishonesty, or simply, cheating, is any act which attempts to gain an unfair academic advantage or assists or allows others to do so. This includes:

  • Cheating such as submitting someone else's work as your own or using external resources that are not permitted on exams or assignments
  • Unauthorized collaboration on work you submit as your own
  • Plagiarism - including self-plagiarism
  • Falsifying academic records
  • Fabrication such as falsifying data or other information
  • Assisting or allowing another person to engage in any of these acts
  • Attempt to engage in academically dishonest acts

Remember, you have a duty to protect your work from misuse by others. Allowing a classmate to use your work is academic dishonesty.


  • Alcohol Misuse - behaviors such as underage drinking, drinking in public, excessive consumption of alcohol, consuming alcohol on campus, and drinking and driving. Being intoxicated does not excuse student conduct
  • Drug related violations
  • Use or possession of weapons
  • Theft, damage or vandalizing property 
  • Threats, physical harm or violence, acts of harrassment
  • Dishonesty, forgery, and/or falsification
  • Hazing
  • Conduct that disrupts university operations - including causing disruptions in class, in department offices, parking lots, or other campus locations; and allowing or encouraging misconduct from peers or guests.
  • Behavior within the campus community which could violate local, state, or federal laws 

Visit Title 5 to review the list of grounds for student discipline.

What If You're Accused of Academic Dishonesty or Misconduct?

Students are presumed to have a clear understanding of appropriate behaviors in our scholarly community and to possess the maturity and concern for the rights of others to embrace these University values. The Student Conduct team responds to allegations of student violation of university standards and provides a fair, consistent, and timely response to guarantee that each student is afforded due process . Please refer to the documents regarding Conduct Policies and Procedures to fully understand the process and your role in it.  

The student conduct process supports students in reach ing their educational goals and connect s them to resources to achieve academic success and personal wellbeing . I n doing so, we educate students about our community values , we me e t with students and discuss allegations of misconduct, and discuss accountability for their behavior . If there are concerns that a student ’s conduct has fallen short of University standards, the Office of Student Conduct will notify the student of any allegations with a letter sent to their CSUF email account . The letter provides the student a brief description of the behavioral concerns and instructions about next steps should a meeting be required . Students should be open and honest in their discussion with Student Conduct and are encouraged to share their perspective about any alleged incidents of misconduct .  


Student Conduct records are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Information regarding any student's disciplinary status is not discussed with anyone outside the Student Conduct Office except under conditions specified by policy. Disciplinary information may only be released to third parties with a signed waiver of confidentiality from the student or through a court order. Absent a waiver or court order, any release of information must fall under an exception to FERPA. 



Parents can be useful partners in protecting the standards of the academic community. In our process, parents are most helpful when they partner with the University's educational efforts to emphasize their student's responsibility to live within CSUF policies, rules, and regulations.

Students may notify parents when they have been referred to Student Conduct and parents may accompany the student to the meeting as an advisor if authorized by the student. While the office will be responsive to a parent's concerns, the student will be expected to provide relevant information concerning the incident and answer questions as the office investigates the allegation.

If a student wishes to grant permission to anyone, including a parent, to speak with a Student Conduct staff, concerning an allegation, the student will need to reach out to for such request.