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Confidential Emotional Support: Sexual Assault Counselors

You Are Not Alone

Sexual assault counselors (also called victim or survivor advocates, or Campus Confidential Advocates) are confidential and available to assist victims/survivors of sexual assault.

Note:  Communications with sexual assault counselors/advocates are protected by state law per California Evidence Code Section §§1035.

Sexual assault counselors/advocates can assist by providing the following:

  • Confidential, non-judgmental support
  • Information about rights and options to help someone make an informed decision
  • Help with reporting sexual assault to law enforcement which includes in-person accompaniments to the police station (the same support is also available for those that report sexual misconduct to the Title IX office)
  • Information and accompaniments to sexual assault forensic exams (SAFE's) and other medical options

    Sexual assault counselors/advocates are available on campus and at community-based sexual assault/rape crisis centers.

Note:  If a campus-based sexual assault counselor/advocate cannot be reached, you may contact a community-based sexual assault/rape crisis center for immediate assistance. Community-based sexual assault counselors/advocates are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by calling a hotline.

CSU Fullerton Sexual Assault Counselors/Advocates







Contact Information


24-Hour Hotline: (714) 957-2737


Student Wellness (SHCC-W)

1221 East Dyer Road

Suite 120

Santa Ana, CA 92705


Monday-Wednesday, Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

24 hours a day



  • Support and accompaniments throughout all stages of law enforcement and/or campus' investigation and discipline proceedings
  • Support and accompaniments to sexual assault forensic examinations and other medical care
  • Support and accompaniments to legal appointments, court hearing, and including assistance with obtaining restraining orders.
  • Assistance with seeking reasonable and available academic, workplace, housing, and administrative relief.
  • Crisis intervention counseling and ongoing emotional support
  • Information about options, victim/survivor rights, and other appropriate resources
  • Safety planning
  • Support groups
  • Referrals to campus and community-based partner organizations
  • Prevention education
  • Crisis intervention
  • 24/7 hotline staffed by sexual assault counselors/advocates
  • Individual mental health counseling
  • Group counseling/support groups
  • 24-hour advocacy and accompaniments to hospitals, law enforcement agencies, and court proceedings
  • Information and referrals
  • Community education programs

National Sexual Assault Hotline
Hotline staff are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via a national sexual assault hotline. Hotline staff can be contacted via phone at (800) 656-4673, or online chat at their website,

  • Please note - when calling the hotline your call will be directed to a local provider based on the area code of the phone number you are calling from. If you are geographically located in an area different than the area code of the phone number you are calling from, hotline staff can still offer you support but may not have information regarding resources in your location. If this is your situation, please call the 24/7 hotline at the sexual assault/rape crisis center nearest you.

Additional Options for Support: Additional resources for support are available and include but are not limited to, mental health counseling and psychological services on-campus or community-based, your campus Title IX office, and the CSU's employee assistance program (EAP) are also available.

Law Enforcement

A law enforcement officer can take a report, help access confidential support, and provide access to medical care after a sexual assault. Police departments are available for response 24/7.

Sexual assaults can be reported at any time (immediately following, days or years after the incident). Statutes of limitations vary, depending on the type of crime/sexual assault and by state. The evidence available, investigations and treatment options may also be impacted by the length of time that has passed since the assault. A sexual assault counselor/advocate or law enforcement can provide you with specific information related to these factors.

Deciding to report a sexual assault to law enforcement is a very private a personal decision. It’s ok to report to police, not report, or not k​nowing if one wants to report. A sexual assault counselor/advocate can provide all information about reporting options so the victim/survivor can make an informed decision.

CSUF and Fullerton Police Departments

CSUF Police Department

Fullerton Police Department

Coverage Area

Incidents that occurred on-campus

Incidents that occurred in community surrounding campus

Contact Information

Phone emergency: 9-1-1

(657) 278-2515

Phone emergency: 9-1-1

(714) 738-6700


University Police (UP)

237 W. Commonwealth Ave.

Fullerton, CA 92832

Hours of Operation


24 hours a day


24 hours a day


More information about reporting sexual assault to law enforcement:

Evidence Collection

Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE)

(also known as “rape kits")

A SART exam (Suspected Abuse Response Team) could be used to collect DNA evidence if the assault occurred within 120 hours. Specialized sexual assault nurse examiners collect samples from a victim/survivor that may contain DNA evidence to help a potential prosecution.

A victim/survivor has the right to have a support person with them and can say no to any part of the exam.

If a person decides they want a SAFE, the sexual assault counselor/advocate can provide more detailed information and help coordinate response with police and the SAFE nurse.

There are two types of exams: a VAWA exam and evidentiary exam

Types of Exams

V​​AWA Exam​

Evidentiary Exam

Report Requirement

Does not require police report.

Requires police report

Who Helps Access Exam

This option is available through your campus sexual assault counselor/advocate as well as your local sexual assault/rape crisis center.

A police officer will schedule the exam.

Who Are Exams For

These exams may be appropriate for those that are not ready to speak to and involve law enforcement. Evidence from VAWA exams in California must be preserved for two years in the event that a victim/survivor does want to engage with law enforcement.

These exams are appropriate for those that would like immediate law enforcement involvement. Evidentiary exams are intended to collect forensic evidence for use in criminal prosecution. An evidentiary exam is an option available by filing a report with law enforcement.

Level of Police Involvement

Police officers will not take a report and should not engage with the victim/survivor. However, the police department will collect the evidence kit and store it until (and if) the victim/survivor decides to file a police report/criminal charge.

Police officers may:

  • Take a police report by interviewing the victim/survivor and possibly any friends/witnesses
  • Coordinate and schedule the SAFE
  • Provide transportation to the SAFE location
  • Contact a sexual assault counselor/advocate to provide emotional support during the process

Note about at-home rape kits : Although well-intentioned, evidence from at home “rape kits" may not be admissible for evidence.

Preserving clothing with potential DNA evidence:
Necessary evidence could be present in the clothes someone wore during the assault — this evidence can be preserved by being stored in paper bags (mold grows in plastic bags.) If the person decides to file a police report or obtain a sexual assault forensic exam (SAFE), the clothes can be provided to them for evidence collection.

More information about sexual assault forensic exams:

Other Evidence

A sexual assault forensic exam is one way to preserve evidence, but it's not the only way. Here is a list of other evidence that can be preserved:

  • Video – from door cameras, surveillance cameras, social media posts, etc.
  • Names of people that may have information such as:
    • Eyewitnesses – people who saw behavior or level of intoxication before the assault or witnessed the assault
    • Outcry witnesses – people you told about what happened
  • Any messages or communication with the perpetrator, including voicemails, texts, email and social media messaging (taking screenshots can be helpful)
  • Information/documentation about or photos of injuries
  • Receipts – showing where you were or what you were doing

Immediate Medical Care

It's ok if someone does not wish to file a police report or get a sexual assault forensic exam. That said, depending on the nature of the assault, it may still be important to obtain medical care to address potential injuries, exposure to sexually transmitted infections (STI's), or if there may be a risk of pregnancy.

A sexual assault counselor/advocate can help explore and address issues such as resources to help pay for medical care and confidentiality

Note:  Emergency contraceptives are also available at local pharmacies without prescription.

Options for Medical Care

Sexual Assault Forensic Exam
Location: Confidential
Contact Information: Waymakers 24/7 crisis hotline 714-957-2737 or local law enforcement agency (where the crime occurred)
Hours of operation: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Notes: See above “Collecting Evidence" for more information

CSUF Student Wellness
Location: Student Wellness (SHCC-W)
Contact Information: (657) 278-2800
Hours of Operation: Mon - Wed, Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Thur: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 

Local Emergency Room – St. Jude Medical Center
Location: 101 E Valencia Mesa Dr, Fullerton, CA 92835
Contact Information: (714) 871-3280
Hours of Operation: Mon-Sun 24-hours

Planned Parenthood – Anaheim Health Center
Location: 303 W Lincoln Ave 105 #105, Anaheim, CA 92805
Contact Information: (714) 922-4100
Hours of Operation: M-Thur 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.; F 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.; Sat/Sun 6:30 a.m. – 4:40 p.m.

Note: Per California Penal Code §§11160, all medical providers in California are required to notify law enforcement when they are treating an injury caused by “abusive or assaultive" behavior. This means that a healthcare provider may need to make a police report if their patient discloses that the injury they are seeking treatment for was caused by abuse or assault. The victim/survivor, however, has the right to not speak to law enforcement or share additional information.

A sexual assault counselor/advocate can help someone navigate any potential report made by a medical provider. For example, if someone does not wish to report to law enforcement, the counselor/advocate can help say no to a police report without feeling intimated.

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Questions may be directed to or 657-278-3220