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What to do if

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Sexual Assault

If the incident occurred within the last 24 to 120 hours:  

  1. Get to a safe place as soon as possible and contact someone you trust.
  2. Consider getting medical attention for hidden injuries or to options for preventing pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases. 
  3. Consider requesting a SART (Suspected Abuse Response Team) Exam for medical care and evidence collection. If you are unsure if you want to report the assault, you can still collect the evidence for a future case. 
  4. Try to preserve all evidence of the assault; avoid drinking, bathing, showering, douching, brushing your teeth, or changing your clothes. It is possible to collect evidence if you decide you want a medical forensic exam even if you have done these activities. 
  5. If you think you were drugged, ask the medical provider to take a urine sample.
  6. Write down everything you remember as detailed as possible. 

No matter when or where a sexual assault occurred, the Campus Confidential Advocate can support CSUF victim/survivors with safety planning, guidance on reporting, accompaniments to medical exams or law enforcement, or accessing supportive measures.

Domestic and Relationship Violence

  • You have the right to live without fear and violence. If you are experience domestic or relationship violence:
    • Talk to someone you trust. You deserve to be heard & believed. 
    • Develop a safety plan with an Advocate for leaving the relationship. 
    • Consider applying for a Domestic Violence Restraining Order. The Confidential Campus Advocate can assist in this process. 
    • If you are in immediate danger, call 911.  
  • If you have recently left an abusive partner:
    • Change your phone number and/or screen all your calls.
    • Try to avoid traveling or staying alone, vary your routines, and trust your instincts.
    • Save and document all contacts, messages, injuries, or other incidents involving the abuser.
    • Change the locks at your home and to your vehicle.
    • Create a safety plan for if you encounter your abuser.
    • If you must meet your abuser, do so in a public place with a trusted person nearby.
    • Notify school and those you work with, so if they see the abuser, they can make an emergency call on your behalf if that is what you want.

No matter when or where abuse occurred, the Campus Confidential Advocate can support CSUF victim/survivors with safety planning, guidance on reporting, accompaniments to medical exams or law enforcement, or accessing supportive measures.


What do I do if I'm being stalked?

    • If possible, always have a phone nearby, preferably one the stalker has never had access to.
    • Treat all threats seriously and report them to law enforcement.
    • Travel with trusted people and vary your routine.
    • Avoid interacting with the person stalking or harassing you.
    • Consider obtaining a protective order against the stalker.
    • Keep a log of all incidents and details of stalking including date/time of behavior, description of the behavior, and the names of any witnesses. 
    • If you are being followed or are fearful for your immediate safety, consider going to a police station, fire station, or emergency room. 

For escort services from your vehicle to class, contact University Police Department: (657) 278-2515

No matter when or where stalking is experienced, the Campus Confidential Advocate can support CSUF victim/survivors with safety planning, guidance on reporting, accompaniments to medical exams or law enforcement, or accessing supportive measures.

Safety Planning

A safety plan is a unique set of steps you can make in advance to prepare for how to stay safe in various situations. Leaving an abusive relationship is difficult and can take time. It is important that you are making decisions that make you feel safer in the moment. 

Safety planning tips if you are in an abusive relationship or preparing to leave may include:

  • Think of a safe place to go if an argument occurs. Avoid rooms with no exits (i.e., bathroom with small or no windows) or rooms with weapons (i.e., kitchen with sharp knives). If you feel unsafe on campus, go to public places like dining halls or the University Union.
  • Make a list of  trusted contacts.
  • Keep clothing and important personal belongings at the house of someone you trust.
  • Make an extra key to your car and house; leave them in a secure, secret place.
  • Save money to use for an emergency escape.
  • Keep or memorize a list of emergency phone numbers.
  • Establish a “code word” or “sign” so that family, friends, teachers, or co-workers know when to call for help on your behalf.
  • Gather important paperwork or documents. 
  • Make a plan for your children and pets.

Safety planning tips if you have already left the relationship:

  • Screen your calls.
  • Save and document all contacts, messages, or other incidents involving your ex-partner.
  • Change locks if the ex-partner has a key.
  • Avoid staying home alone and travel with trusted people.
  • Plan how to get away if confronted by your ex-partner. 
  • If you must meet your ex-partner, do so in a public place like dining halls or the Student Union.
  • Vary your routine. Know the safest ways for you to leave your dorm, house, or class in the case of an emergency.

The Campus Confidential Advocate can support CSUF victim/survivors with safety planning, guidance on reporting, accompaniments to medical exams or law enforcement, or accessing supportive measures. 

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To schedule an appointment with a Campus Confidential Advocate, please complete the Appointment Request Form

Questions may be directed to or 657-278-3220

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Evening and Weekend Assistance:

  • Sexual Assault 24-hour hotline | Waymakers | 714.957.2737
  • Domestic Violence 24-hour hotline | Human Options | 877.854.3594
  • Afterhours Crisis Line | CSUF Counseling and Psychological Services | 657.278.3040
  • For emergencies, please call 911
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