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Welcome to Project upGRADS

In 2019, Project upGRADS secured a $3 million, 5 year grant from the U.S. Dept. of Education's Hispanic Serving Institutions programs. This funding has boosted enrollment, persistence, and graduation rates of Hispanic/Latinx and underserved students pursuing graduate degrees.

Are you interested in Graduate School? 

Meet with our Advising Coordinator to learn about: 

  • How can graduate school can benefit you.
  • Referrals to graduate program advisors.
  • The graduate school application process.
  • Receiving help with your CSUF graduate application.

Book an Appointment Today

Current Graduate Student?

Meet with our Advising Coordinator to learn about:

  • Upcoming resources occuring on campus for Spring 2024
  • Questions about funding?
  • Have an issue with your program?
  • Need overall support? 

Book an Appointment Today

The Graduate Studies Center is moving:

The GSC, previously located in Langsdorf Hall-216, now will be moving to the Pollak Library (North), room 121-A, next to the Student Genius Center on the first floor.

All workshops, events, and services will continue operating as usual starting on April 29.

Click here for more details

Learn More About Our Campus Partners 

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Examples of ¡Excelencia!

Project upGRADS is one of 20 programs nationwide named as a finalist for Examples of Excelencia by a Excelencia in Education, the nation’s "premier authority on efforts accelerating Latino student success in higher education."  

Examples of Excelencia recognizes programs that demonstrate that "provide intentional, culturally relevant, evidence-based practices tailored to Latino students and their communities."