About Us

The organization, as outlined below, is hereby to be created to foster unity among veteran staff, faculty, students, and alumni (hereby referred to as CSUF Vets) with a focus on staff and faculty.  Additional objectives of this organization include; connecting the broader campus community with CSUF Vets to increase engagement, advocating for the concerns and increasing the visibility of CSUF Vets within the University community, and to provide CSUF Vets and their families with the resources and support needed to succeed as a higher education professional.

The organization would accomplish this intent by executing efforts that align with the mission. Efforts would include events like monthly meetings, team building events for members, student support initiatives, community events such as (possibly) a 9/11 remembrance ceremony, support of Veteran Resource Center and CSUF ROTC events, community service projects, Veteran of the Year recognition, etc., as well as campaigns such as a “Veteran Self-ID Campaign”

Strategic Intent

  • Foster community development and provide a platform for the dissemination of shared knowledge among staff and faculty with prior or current military service
  • Support the University's Strategic Plan by increasing veteran staff/faculty recruitment and retention (goal 3) and support student success by serving as a resource for mentorship and support (goal 2)
  •  Connect the broader campus and community with CSUF Vets to increase engagement
  • Advocate for the concerns of CSUF Vets within the University
  • Increase visibility for and education about the experiences of military veterans
  • To provide CSUF Vets and their families with the resources, support, and advocacy needed to succeed in higher education as professional staff and/or faculty members


  • Support events that foster connectedness among current and incoming CSUF Vets and to the broader campus community
  • Develop channels of communication between CSUF Vets and the university
  • Support programs and projects that benefit CSUF Vets, encourage spirit de corps, increase visibility, and create awareness about the experiences of Veterans and military at CSUF
  • Partner with other campus organizations in achieving the organization's mission

Executive Board

 President – Sean Moran, M.S. 

Vice President - Alexander Ortega

Secretary – Jonni Taylor

Executive Champion – Cameron Cook

Communications Director – Marissa Garza