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Funding Opportunities

Explore funding opportunities for graduate students! For more information on any of the opportunities below, please contact us at

California Pre-Doctoral Program

The California Pre-Doctoral Program is designed to increase the diversity of the pool of potential faculty by supporting the doctoral aspirations of CSU students who have experienced economic and educational disadvantages.

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Chancellor's Doctoral Incentive Program (CDIP)

The mission of the CDIP is to provide professional and academic support to doctoral students aspiring to teach the diverse students of the CSU system.

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Giles T. Brown Travel Support Award

The Giles T. Brown Travel Support Award assists with the costs to travel to professional conferences to present their research, scholarship and creative activities. Awards will be granted up to $2500.

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Graduate Equity Fellowship

The Graduate Equity Fellowship seeks to increase the diversity of students completing graduate degree programs at the CSU, encourages continuation toward doctoral programs, and promotes consideration of university faculty careers.

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Pa'lante Fellowship Program

The Pa’lante Fellowship Program provides a  $1,000 scholarship  to graduate students from underrepresented backgrounds.

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