
The aim of the program is to give U.S. students international research experience in Uzbekistan under the mentorship of a prominent Uzbek mathematician, Shavkat Ayupov, a leading expert in Algebra and Functional Analysis with a strong record of collaborations with numerous U.S. mathematicians. The U.S. students will join Ayupov’s research groups and will engage in research, in collaboration with their Uzbek peers and mentors, on topics of current interests in pure and applied mathematics. Professor Ayupov and two other professors, Professor Shavkat Alimov and Professor Utkir Rozikov will mentor six to eight U.S. students every year under the IRES program. Each year, the U.S. students will spend two months at the Institute of Mathematics of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences to conduct research. In addition to working in a diverse and vibrant environment and collaborating with their Uzbek peers on cutting-edge research, the students will be exposed to unique styles of teaching and mentorships that will enrich their learning experience.  

Under this project, Dr. Zair Ibragimov, Director of the program at California State University, Fullerton, will take three separate cohorts to Uzbekistan, 15 to 21 U.S. students over three years, for ten weeks during the summer to conduct research at the Institute of Mathematics. Dr. Ibragimov will spend the first four weeks with the U.S. students to introduce them to their research groups. In addition to their research activities, the students will take short courses on the language, culture and traditions of Uzbekistan to help them adjust to their surroundings. During their stay in Uzbekistan, the students will travel to the ancient cities of Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva to learn about the cultural and scientific heritage of Uzbekistan and visit Samarkand State University, Bukhara State University and Urgench State University to meet with faculty and students and expand their professional network.

Uzbekistan presents a unique opportunity when it comes to cultural enrichment activities for the U.S. students. Four sites in Uzbekistan - Ichan Kala in Khiva, Historic Center of Bukhara, Historic Center of Shahrisyabz and Samarkand - Crossroads of Cultures, are listed as UNESCO World Heritage sites. In addition, there are numerous museums and cultural centers in and around Tashkent (the capital of Uzbekistan). The U.S. students will be taken to these places as part of their cultural enrichment activities.

Uzbekistan has a rich scientific heritage, especially in the history of mathematics, and presents a unique research environment for the students. Great scientists of the eighth - 11th centuries, such as Al-Khorezmi, Al-Biruni and Ibn Sina (Avicenna), were born in modern-day Uzbekistan. They made significant contributions to the scientific knowledge that we have today. For example, the word   algebra   comes from the title of Al-Khorezmi's book, while the word   algorithm   comes from his name. By visiting historical sites in Samarkand, Bukhara and Khorezm, where these scientists worked, the students will expand their knowledge of the history of the eighth - 15th century science, in addition to gaining a better understanding of Al-Khorezmi's and Al-Biruni's works and how they fit into the development and history of mathematics.