• LGBTQ History Month 2017

    • Mon. October 2nd

      LGBTQ History Month Reception
      hosted by President Garcia

      5:30-7:30p  -  Fullerton Arboretum

      Kick off LGBTQ History Month with a special keynote by Dr. Vincent T. Harris, inaugural director of Cal State Fullerton’s Male Success Initiative.
    • Tues. October 3rd

      LGBTQ Student Focus Group
      12:00-1:00p  -  TSU Ontiveros

      Join us to talk about experiences in the classroom as well as wishes and concerns that you want CSUF faculty to know regarding LGBTQIA inclusion at CSUF! 

      Register at  http://bit.ly/pcei-lgbtq
    • Tues. October 3rd

      insideOUT:  Wearing Your Identity
      4:00-5:00p  -  TSU 250

      The clothes you wear, the way you style your hair, and the body mods you flaunt to others aid in telling something about your identity.  Join a discussion about how we express our identity.

    • Mon. October 9th

      I'm Queer, Im' Here, But Not At Home
      5:00-6:30p  -  TSU Hetebrink AB

      An open discussion regarding the copmlexities of family interactions at teh intersection of the APIDA (Asian Pacific Islander Desi American) and LGBTQ+ identities.
    • Tues. October 10th

      Research Support with Adolfo
      11:00a-12:00p  -  LGBTQRC

      Meet with our library liaison, Adolfo Prieto, to get extra support for your papers and research projects.

    • Tues. October 10th

      Supporting our Trans & Non-Binary Students
      11:30a-1:00p  -  Faculty Development Center

      Examine the ways we can better support transgender and non-binary students at CSUF.

    • Weds. October 11th

      National Coming Out Day
      11:00a-2:00p  -  Titan Walk

      Learn more about National Coming Out Day, explore what it means to come in and come out, and check out our coming out support resources.
    • Thurs. October 12th

      Surviving College De-Stress
      3:00-4:00p  -  LGBTQRC

      Join us in a self-care program featuring an activity for students caught up in the rush of midterms to take some time to slow down and do something to relieve their stress.
    • Tues. October 17th

      Pride Music Party
      1:00-3:00p  -  LGBTQRC

      Join us for a fun opportunity to listen to new LGBTQ artists/music and explore LGBTQ narratives in the music industry.

    • Tues. October 17th

      insideOUT:  Pop Culture
      4:00-5:00p  -  LGBTQRC

      This space will explore the presence of LGBTQ representation in tv/film, music, and other facets of popular culture from the past and present.

    • Weds. October 18th

      3rd Annual Drag Show
      6:30p  -  Student Housing Piazza

      Come to the third annual drag show hosted by Alessandra Divine, see this year’s performers, and dress in your best drag to perform in the “lip sync for your life” audience competition!
    • Mon. October 23rd

      Signature Move Film Screening
      5:30-7:30p  -  TSU Ontiveros ABC

      Follow the journey of Zaynab who is a Pakistani Muslim lawyer living in Chicago who begins a new romance with Alma, a confident Mexican-American woman.
    • Weds. October 25th

      Research Support with Adolfo
      1:00-2:00p  -  LGBTQRC

      Meet with our library liaison, Adolfo Prieto, to get extra support for your papers and research projects.

    • Weds. October 25th

      I Am Jazz Book Talk
      4:00-6:00p  -  Pollak Library North 130

      Join us in a book talk about  I Am Jazz , an illustrated children’s book focused on the story of a transgender child based on the real-life experience of Jazz Jennings, and explore how children’s literature can create a more inclusive environment for transgender youth.



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This site is maintained by LGBT Queer Resource Center.

Last Published 7/16/24

To report problems or comments with this site, please contact lgbtq@fullerton.edu.
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