Scholars of ETS

Sharing the lives of our Scholars, one story at a time.

On this page we will highlight some of our dedicated ETS scholars. If you are interested in being featured on our website, feel free to connect with an ETS staff member at your school site for more information!

ETS Scholar

Junior | Loara High School

"Once I graduate college, my goal is to be my own boss and own a company. I want to be a mechanical engineer because I like to fix and redirect things. In pursuit of this goal, the one thing that prevents me from attending a college far away is having to be away from my family. We are very close and they have supported me throughout my entire education. I know there are a lot of great engineering schools here in California and so I plan to attend college as close to home as possible."

ETS Scholar

Senior | Loara High School

"I hope to become an animator for Pixar or Disney, but my biggest barrier is money. Most art schools are expensive. They also tend to be a bit far from home, which presents the challenge of possibly having to move away for college. I hope to overcome these barriers by applying for scholarships, as well as learning how to be independent so that if I do have to move way, I can do so without struggling so much."

ETS Scholar

Junior | Anaheim High School

"I want to pursue a career in the STEM field, specifically in the area of applied mathematics. However, I think my greatest obstacle is going to be gaining the experience that is needed to land a good job. I think I am going to struggle to find opportunities, but I plan to overcome by building relationships with my professors in college. My hope is that they'll be able to connect me to different internship opportunities where I can build the experience that is needed. In life, I like to live by Einstein's quote, 'I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious."

ETS Scholar

Senior | Western High School

"Currently, my career goals are up in the air. I have no idea what I want to do or how to begin figuring it out. All I know is that I want to be happy and I want to leave a positive impact on the world. While I think there are many obstacles standing in my way (such as time, place, and money), I think my greatest obstacle is myself. I know that if I really want something, I'll find a way to accomplish it. I just have to have discpline and believe that I can accomplish any goal I set for myself."

ETS Scholar

Senior | Western High School

"My career goal is to become a radiation therapist. However, my biggest obstacle in pursuing this is finances. I worry about all the debt I will have after finishing my education. Because of this, I may go the community college route so that I can earn an Associate’s degree first and then start working. This way, I’ll have the experience and financial support to further pursue my education in the future."

ETS Scholar

Junior | Katella High School

"I want to be a policitian because my goal is to be a voice for minorities. I'm really passionate about issues such as mental health, animal rights, and equal opportunity. I think my greatest obstacle to achieving my goal is myself. When things don't go right, I tend to put myself down. Despite this, I still try my best to take steps that I believe will help me become a politician. For example, I participate in a program called Young Congressional Leaders and volunteer at the Anaheim Heritage Center."

ETS Scholar

Senior | Savanna High School

"After researching different careers in the business field, I've decided that I would like to pursue a career as a stockbroker. Doing so would allow me to work at a firm where I could invest, trade, and sell stocks - all things that align with my passion. I think my biggest barrier to achieving this goal is my parents' financial status. I don't want to burden them by having them help me pay for college. I know the only way to overcome this challenge is to ask for help. I plan to ask my ETS Coordinators to help me find more opportunities for financial aid."

ETS Scholar

Senior | Magnolia High School

"After graduating high school, I hope to major in business or biology. I’m still deciding, and hope to have a better idea of what I want to do soon. Biology is something I've been wanting to pursue for a long time, but it’s really competitive and that’s my biggest fear. An obstacle that I would have to overcome would be getting into medical school. I’m not financially prepared for this, but I’m going to try my best to figure something out. I’ll try to get good grades and high test scores. As long as I get into medical school, I’ll be able to achieve my dream somehow.”