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(657) 278-8888

800 N. State College Blvd.
Fullerton, CA 92831-3599

Department of Computer Science

Jane Carrow

Associate Professor

Professor Carrow has primarily taught courses in professional communications, software engineering, and introductory programming for over twenty-five years. She served on a task force whose work ultimately led to the creation of a software engineering lab at CSUF and was a co-investigator for an CSUF funded grant as well as an CSUF Productivity Grant that led to the creation of some of the initial software engineering courses. Professor Carrow is active in reviewing prospective textbooks for major publishers in many areas of computer science, software engineering, mathematics, and technical communications, having produced over 560 such reviews since 1993. More recently, Professor Carrow helped manage CSUF's transition to semesters, continuing in that regard within the department. Since 2008 Professor Carrow has been an AP Reader for the Computer Science exam and even more recently was a co-recipient of an internal CSUF grant that funded initial development of materials designed to support the department's assessment efforts.

Educational Background
BS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Ph.D. in Computer Science

Computer networking, Computer performance analysis, Parallel computing, Neural networks, Web-based database development, Interactive multimedia system

Office Hours:
M 2:30pm - 4pm
T & Th 1pm - 3pm

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