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Retention, Tenure, and Promotion (RTP)

Click here for important updates on the 2024-2025 RTP evaluation process

Probationary faculty members are normally given a two-year initial appointment and are subject to evaluation before they are reappointed to subsequent probationary years or granted tenure. Tenure-track faculty are considered probationary faculty until they are awarded tenure or terminated.

Extensions to the probationary period are possible under particular conditions (see the Unit 3 Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article 13). Apply for extensions during non-academic leaves through HRDI. Faculty on non-academic leave, without an approved probationary period extension, may be expected to submit a file for RTP evaluation.

Candidates for 2024-2025 actions are to submit their materials through Interfolio, the evaluation system implemented in 2017-2018. The template that candidates undergoing full performance reviews will use mirrors the requirements of UPS 210.000 and UPS 210.002. Interfolio is accessible through the Faculty Portal (for assistance see how-to login video). FAR provides a Files Organizer for full performance reviews that you can use to collect and assemble your documents prior to uploading them to your Interfolio portfolio. After downloading the Files Organizer, unzip it on your harddrive or cloud storage system and follow the instructions.

For more information on RTP, please see the slides from our latest candidate workshops.

For Counselors (CAPS) and Library Faculty, there are some documents that are specific to their portfolios under the Templates and Forms section of this page.

Promotion to Full Professor

Promotion of a tenured faculty member to Professor shall normally be considered during their fifth year in rank, with promotion being effective at the beginning of the sixth year. A tenured faculty member may request that they not be considered for promotion during their fifth year in rank by submitting a written request to FAR no later than the end of the second week of classes of the fall semester. After requesting that they not be considered for promotion, the faculty member will undergo post-tenure review per UPS 210.020. Tenured faculty may request promotion consideration in a future academic year by submitting a written request to FAR no later than the end of the second week of classes of the fall semester.

A request for promotion consideration prior to having completed four years in rank shall be defined as “early.” Early promotion to Professor requires that the faculty member has displayed excellence and sustained commitment to teaching, scholarly and creative activity, and service that promise future potential growth. Performance in all three areas of review shall be at the level of Excellent. Tenured faculty shall request early promotion by submitting a written request to FAR no later than the end of the second week of classes of the fall semester.


Full Review

Fall 2024 Submission Deadline:

  • First full performance review: 9/16/24
  • All other full performance reviews: 10/1/24

Full performance reviews typically occur during probationary years 2, 4, and 6 and require the submission of a full portfolio reflecting achievements in three areas:

  1. Teaching
  2. Scholarly and Creative Activity
  3. Service

These reviews are CUMULATIVE and require data and documentation of activities always from the date of hire to the date of submission for the RTP Portfolio. 

Abbreviated Review

Fall 2024 Submission deadline: 10/1/24

Abbreviated reviews typically occur during probationary years 3 and 5 and only require the submission of

  • An updated CV, documenting all activities in Teaching, Scholarship, and Service since the date of hire at CSUF
  • A Summary of accomplishments towards tenure (optional)
  • SOQs completed during the time period between the submission due date for the RTP Portfolio compiled for your last full-review and the submission deadline for your Review File for your abbreviated review

Early Tenure and Early Promotion

Fall 2024 portfolio submission: 

  • Timetable #1 (first Full Performance review): 9/16/24
  • Timetable #2: 10/1/24

To indicate that a faculty member would like to be considered for Early Tenure and/or Early Pomotion, they will need to fill out the declaration form below and submit it  to the FAR office at

This type of review is considered a FULL-REVIEW and therefore is CUMULATIVE.

The Deadline to declare for the 2024-2025 Academic Year is 9/6/24.

After one year of full-time service a Tenure-Track Faculty member is eligible to apply for early tenure and/or early promotion. All Departmental Personnel Standards will have a list of criteria for how to achieve early tenure and/or early promotion for any particular department, however they will be much more stringent than the criteria for retention or for the normal awarding of tenure.