Oscar Machado is an Instructional Designer for the Division of Information Technology.  He supports the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Oscar specializes in online course design and improvement. He currently also facilitates CSUF's Certificate in OER and its Introduction to H5P training courses. Previously at CSUF, Oscar was a Program Developer. 
Before coming to CSUF, Oscar served as Director of Economic Development for the North Orange Community College District’s School of Continuing Education (NOCCCD/SCE). There, Oscar oversaw economic and workforce development activities and staff for NOCCCD and its Training and Development Institute (TDI), as part of NOCCCD’s School of Continuing Education (SCE). He also concurrently served as Campus Director for SCE's Anaheim and Yorba Linda campuses.

Oscar can best be reached via email at omachado@fullerton.edu or (657) 278-3887.  His office is MH-161B.