MSI PillarThe (2nd) Pillar of Potential serves as a driving thrust of our programming and curriculum model. The second Pillar: LEED- Leadership. Engagement. Enrichment. & Development is embedded within our curriculum and produces programs and events that are specific to brotherhood development outcomes.

By ensuring that our curriculum is grounded in High Impact Practices, (Make an Impact, 2018, July 7). while utilizing data driven programming we intentionally develop experiences that nurture a sense of belonging, unlearning universal beliefs of deficit, hones individual areas of leadership, and inspires a sense of possibility within our brothers.

One of the most widely acknowledged profits of student engagement is its nexus with college persistence. “We know one thing for certain: Students who are actively engaged in educationally purposeful activities and experiences, both inside and outside the classroom, are more likely than are their disengaged peers to persist through graduation” (Harper, 2012, p. 12).