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How to help

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Everyone can provide support

If you know someone who has been impacted by sexual, domestic, or relationship violence, you can play an important role in their healing process. The below information can help you feel more comfortable offering support:

  • Believe them; show your support and validate their experience.
  • Be present and listen without questioning. 
  • Respond in an empowering way. Remind them that people care about them and that there are services available to support them.
  • Communicate with empathy: “I am so sorry this happened,” “This is not your fault,” “I imagine this is so difficult,” and “Thank you are sharing this with me.”
  • Offer to connect them to the Campus Confidential Advocate in TitanTHRIVE or other local resources. 
  • Support the choices they make. Sexual, domestic, and relationship violence take power and control away from victim/survivors. If their safety isn't at risk, it is important to accept and support their decisions on how they want to move forward. 
  • Take care of yourself. Understand that you will have to deal with your own feelings of frustration, anger, and sadness. It is important to keep these feelings from being directed at the person you want to help. 

TitanTHRIVE staff is available to support friends, family, and colleagues of CSUF community members who have experienced sexual, domestic, relationship and related forms of violence. If you have questions on how to support your community or individuals in your life, please reach out.

Responsible Employee/Mandated Reporters

  • If you believe a student, faculty, or staff member is going to self-disclose, communicate your reporting duties to the individual. Let them know that if they would like to speak to a confidential resource, you can provide them the information for TitanTHRIVE and the Campus Confidential Advocate.
  • If they still choose to disclose to you, be present, listen, and offer support. Let the individual know they can make an appointment with a Campus Confidential Advocate for more information, support, and access to resources. 
  • Make the appropriate report afterward. Questions about Responsible Employee reporting can be directed to Title IX and Gender Equity

TitanTHRIVE staff is available to support friends, family, and colleagues of CSUF community members who have experienced sexual, domestic, relationship and related forms of violence. If you have questions on how to support your community or individuals in your life, please reach out.

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Questions may be directed to or 657-278-3220

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Evening and Weekend Assistance:

  • Sexual Assault 24-hour hotline | Waymakers | 714.957.2737
  • Domestic Violence 24-hour hotline | Human Options | 877.854.3594
  • Afterhours Crisis Line | CSUF Counseling and Psychological Services | 657.278.3040
  • For emergencies, please call 911
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