Subcommittee 1: Programs, Degrees, and Outcomes



Subcommittee Charge

The Programs, Degrees, and Outcomes Subcommittee was charged with preparing responses to the following questions: What will we teach? Why will we teach what we teach? Where will we teach? What outcomes will guide our work?

Conversation prompts: Thinking about what we will teach could include (but is not limited to) such matters as aligning general education with the disciplines while maintaining breadth; interdisciplinary collaborations; the connection between the campus commitment to the liberal arts and professional education; our current program strengths and areas of opportunity; and the balance between undergraduate and graduate programs. These reflections would be set within the larger framework of Cal State Fullerton’s program history. In addition to these internal elements, there are a variety of external forces—such as the demand for degree completion programs and the emergence of community college bachelor’s degrees—that may be relevant. Discussion of why we will teach what we teach could include consideration of contributions to the public good, commitment to instilling community responsibility/civic participation, and regional workforce needs, among other topics. Considering where we will teach could include reflecting on the current plan for two-plus-two programs on the CSUF Irvine Center as well as using other places as living labs (e.g., the Arboretum). Discussion of outcomes could look not only to assessment of educational effectiveness and the meaning, quality and integrity of degrees, but also the effect of experiential learning such as High-Impact Practices.

Resources Reviewed

1. Documents
     a. What will we teach?PDF File
     b. Why will we teach?
 PDF File
    c. Where will we teach?
 PDF File
    d. What learning outcomes will guide our work?
 PDF File
    e. Other informationPDF File

2. Research
     a. Education Advisory Board
          i. Blended Learning and Flipped Classroom
PDF File
          ii. State in Focus: California
 PDF File
         iii. Developing Center for Innovative and Online Teaching and Learning 
 PDF File
         iv. Developing Innovative Master's Programs and Liberal Studies 
 PDF File
         v. Weekend Student Programming at Small Private Institutions PDF File

Last updated July 12, 2017