ECS Cyber Picnic 2017


From left: Karthik Karunanithi, Dr. Mikhail Gofman, Zhangying (Mandy) He, Yu Liu, and Dan Kim 


Photos Animation

Enjoy full album of photos of our fun party in our Flickr Gallery 

Picnic 2017 Photo AlbumOpens in new window

Visit our YouTube Channel for our picnic animation and more fun events

Picnic 2017 AnimationOpens in new window



As the semester of spring 2017 came to an end, our team gathered to celebrate our students' accomplishments in a fun picnic at the park. In a warm sunny day, one by one arrived dressed with a smile that is difficult to describe with words. That smile that tells us: "we did it, we are done, we made it, we did it together."

As the fun picnic unravels, each student sets a homemade dish to share with their team mates. "I brought pasta..." Mandy says. "Come have lunch..." Dr. Gofman says. "What can I get you to drink...?” Karthik asks. The table was set with a diversity of dishes that made choices difficult to make. Everything looked so delicious. We had different kinds of chicken, pasta, salsa, blintzes made by our Director, a delicious cake, chips, salsa, beans, rice, and much more!

The chatter is endless, there are more than enough topics to talk about. Our students worked in different projects. Our team working for Unisys joined us, as well as our students that worked for Boeing. The biometrics group and the students who co-authored the book also showed up.

Pictures here and there, videos here and there, we all wanted to remember this day full of joy, accomplishments, and hope for the future. In their eyes we could see the spark that confirms an everlasting friendship. 

I could see that "friends forever" look on people's faces! - Dr. Mikhail Gofman

The Cybersecurity Center has provided the tools our students need to gain knowledge and skills in the cybersecurity field.

They have accomplished so much and worked so hard, and that effort is finally paying off. Some graduated this spring 2017 and are set for a new adventure. Many of them already have a job with great companies such as Amazon, Cigital and some have even applied for security government jobs. Others are considering entrepreneurship.

Our students are prepared for a bright future. We are happy to see them reach their goals and be successful. 

Congratulations to all of you and we hope to see you or hear from you soon.

Please keep in touch!


 ECS Cyber Students share their accomplishments


Daniel Kim

Daniel Kim


Daniel Kim

"Being able to get through the Boeing project and getting all that positive feedback and the progress we were able to make in the biometrics project was great. Winning the EEE competition was a big boost in the morale for us. It was actually one of the first kind of tangible things of our success that we actually felt. My peers and I, we were working in the lab, each worked on their own, and it is actually hard to keep track of the progress. It is not as easy to see the progress that you make. By going to the conference and seeing professionals that are impressed and competing with all these researchers is very uplifting. My advice to new students is college is honestly about how much effort you put into it. Castrate Fullerton is not considered like a Harvard or a Yale but you can be as successful as long as you put the effort. It is all about how much you invest into getting ahead of the game and networking. You can be as successful as anyone else coming from an Ivy League."




Karthik Karunanithi

"The past year has been really good. I have learned a lot of things, most importantly machine learning and decoding stuff. I had the privilege to join wonderful people here. It is exciting. We have won a couple of awards. We are on the newspaper and in the website. It feels great when your friends and parents to see you live on the website and the newspaper. My parents are really proud of me and of what I have achieved. I wish to never disappoint them. I am looking forward to a bright future."




Karthik Karunanithi


Yu Liu

Yu Liu



Yu Liu

"I am a master’s student at Castrate University of Fullerton in Computer Science. I have some advice for college students. You have to be prepared for a job interview for the industry. A lot of things we might neglect during college. We might just enjoy college and finish the classes, but really when you get out of college and step into the industry, no one is judging you for your college standards. They are judging you from the industry standard. That is why you have to have a high standard for yourself, always."




Zhangying (Mandy) He

"One thing I really learned in this semester is to focus. I tried to address where my focus would be at the data center and focus on strategy. I had the opportunity to work on the Boeing project. This kind of opened my eyes to realize security is an important part of the software product management. This set me up to be more rounded when I chose classes. There are a lot of opportunities to work with professors doing research, work with industry companies. I am going to compete in a GE competition, so I am very happy about that."




Zhangying (Mandy) He



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