Student Creative Activities and Research Days (SCAR!) Days –VIRTUAL

Monday, April 25, 2022 – May 6, 2022

Student Creative Activities and Research (SCAR) Days highlight the research and arts projects developed by CSUF students. SCAR Days are a unique opportunity for undergraduates and graduate students from all disciplines to come together to share their work virtually. This is a welcoming and inclusive event – please consider participating!

Monday, April 25, 2022 Opening SCAR DAY!

Student Poster Sessions 
Undergraduate and graduate student research and creative activities virtual poster presentations will be available for viewing. Student posters will be up for two weeks (until May 6), so students and faculty can pop in to see them anytime, and leave comments or ask questions. 

FRIDAY, MAY 6, 2022, 3:00 – 4:00 pm, CLOSING SCAR DAY!

Awards Presentation
At the end of the two-week SCAR Days poster and exhibit session, there will be an awards presentation to honor the 10th annual   Outstanding Student Scholarly and Creative Activity Award   and   Outstanding Poster/Exhibit Award   recipients.
  • One undergraduate and one graduate student from each college will receive the Outstanding Student Scholarly and Creative Activities Award.
  • Three Outstanding Poster/Exhibit Awards will be presented. All posters/exhibits presented during the session will be considered for these awards. No additional application is necessary.
Everyone is invited to celebrate the ingenuity, tenacity, and creativity of CSUF students! Register for the virtual Awards Presentation and the close of SCAR Days. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the presentation.

How to apply for SCAR Days

Email the following information, in the order requested with the subject line: Your last name SCAR Day Submission 2022 to  by noon, April 6, 2022 (Include all students' last names who collaborated on the project in the subject line).
1. Name of presenter(s)
2. Email address(es)
3. College, department, and major
4. Graduate or undergraduate status
5. Title of presentation
6. Abstract of 100 words or less about your project - An abstract is a brief description of your research/art project and usually includes the context/background of the study/project, the methods used in the study/project, the results or created project, and why your work matters
7. Faculty mentor’s (if you worked with one) name, department and email address
8. Indicate if you are presenting a poster or art exhibit
Presentations used at other conferences are welcome but may require modifications for this event. We will notify students by April 11th, 2022 if accepted and provide additional directions at that time. If you never shared your work with anyone, this is a great opportunity to do so. It’s FREE!
CSU Fullerton is committed to providing universal access to all of our events. Please contact the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects at the following email address: to request disability accommodations. Advance notice is necessary to arrange for some accessibility needs.


Please contact Student Creative Activities and Research (SCAR) at with any questions.


Euronymous Fernandez, Undergraduate, Human Services, HHD
Mentor: Darcy Anderson 
Poster title: Conquering
Gabriel Charles Ponce, Undergraduate, Philosophy and Sociology, HSS
Mentor: Dr. Irena Praitis
Poster title: The Foo Who Sat by the Door
Karen Ray Nelson, Undergraduate, Dance, COTA
Mentors: Lisa Long, Debra Noble, and Alvin Rangel 
Poster title: The Wreckoning
Miriam Marroquin, Undergraduate, Mathematics, NSM
Mentor: Valerie Poynor
Poster title: Hierarchical and Non-Hierarchical Probit Regression Model
Bailee Blankmeier, Graduate, Sociology, HSS
Mentor: Dr. Dana Collins
Poster title: The Deadening of Commensality: Emerging Adults’ Current and Ideal Eating Practices as Influenced by Modern Life
Chelsea Bowers-Doerning, Graduate, Biological Science, NSM
Mentor: Misty Paig-Tran
Poster title: You Are What You Eat: Pacific Sardines Ingesting and Assimilating microplastics
Leeza Yorke, Graduate, Music, COTA
Mentor: Janet Smith
Poster title: "The Roots of Love" a Graduate Recital featuring works by African American composers
Rou Rouvere, Graduate, Psychology, HSS
Mentor: Dr. Kathleen Preston
Poster title: Asexual Minority Stress Scale (AMSS): Construction and Validation
People’s Choice Award
Kriti Rai Saini, Graduate, Computer Engineering, ECS
Mentor: Dr. Jaya Dofe
Poster title: Comparing Encryption Algorithm Performance in Context to Internet of Things


Shameem Ahmed, Undergraduate, Graphic and Interactive Design, COTA
Mentor: Cheryl Savala
Poster title: 30 days of Influential Women of the 21st Century
Cailin McLaughlin, Graduate, Evolutionary Anthropology, HSS
Mentor: Dr. Sara Johnson
Poster title: Life History Plasticity of Managed Honeybees: Behavioral Response to Environmental Conditions that Prompt or Attenuate Varroa Destructor
Delia Sanchez, Graduate, Public Health, HHD
Mentor: Dr. Portia Jackson Preston
Poster title: An exploration of mental health risk and protective factors among indivduals supporting identity groups at universities
Zahra Tahmasebi, Graduate, Psychology, HSS
Mentor: Dr. Douglas Navarick
Poster title: Perceived Wrongness of Unintended Harm Caused by Distracted Driving 
Anthony Truong, Brian Quisenberry, and Christine Gamez, Undergraduates, Mathematics, NSM
Mentor: Dr. Alison Marzocchi
Poster title: Representation of Women and STEM Careers in Middle School Mathematics Textbooks


Adam Mizban, Chemistry, NSM
Poster title: Building a Solid-State Tesla Coil
Breanna McBean and Angelica Arredondo, Mathematics, NSM
Poster title: The Shape of Large Soap Bubbles
Aylin Gann and Rebecca Gomez, Psychology, HSS; Shelby Abrahamian, Sociology, HSS; and Clarissa Leyva, Human Services, HHD
Poster title: Creating Leaders in the Classroom: The Importance of Empathy and Social Awareness