Undergraduate Advising

Review the questions below to Learn more about undergraduate advising in Mechanical Engineering

1. What is advising and what is the requirement?

Academic advising is an opportunity to review your progress toward your degree.

Undergraduate students are required to meet with an advisor once a year. If this requirement is not met, an administrative hold will be placed on your records automatically and you won’t be able to register classes.

2. How should I plan my studies?

Sample 1 PDF File is a standard flowchart.

Sample 2PDF File is a 4-year study plan.

Sample 3PDF File is a 5-year study plan.

Sample 4PDF File is a study plan for transfer students.

This editable study plan is for you to use. Please use it to draft a study plan before meeting with an advisor if you need to discuss about your study plan.

3. Who should I meet for advising?


  • For freshmen and sophomores, your advisor is a staff member at ECS Student Success Center.
  • For juniors, seniors, and transfer students, your advisor is a faculty member from Mechanical Engineering department.

4. How to contact advisors?

If you have any questions about advising, please first check the Frequently Asked Quesitons section below. If you cannot find the answer to your question, please contact an advisor.

If you contact advisors via email, make sure you include your CWID.

5. How to schedule an appointment with advisors?

  • For advising with ECS Student Success Center (for Freshmen and Sophomores, 0-59 units), visit hereOpens in new window .
  • For advising with the ME Department (for Juniors and Seniors, 60 units and above, including transfer students), visit here.Opens in new window

          Please keep in mind:

(1) Your future appointments may be declined if you do not show up after making an appointment.

(2) Available time slots are added regularly. If you cannot find any open slot immediately, come back and check the website later. 

(3) After you make an appointment online, you will receive a confirmation email including the appointment time, advisor's name, and advisor's office location.

It's very important that you provide the correct CWID and email address when making an appointment.

6. How to cancel or reschedule your advising appointments?

  • For appointments made with ECS Student Success Center, contact them directly for cancellation and rescheduling.
  • For appointments made with the ME department,

To cancel an appointment, delete the event in your calendar.

To reschedule an appointment, cancel the original appointment and then make a new appointment. 


Frequently Asked Questions



  1. When should I prepare my study plan?
  2. How should I plan my General Education classes?
  3. Should I take summer classes?
  4. How important are MATH and PHYS classes?
  5. Are there any supplementary materials to help me learn MATH/PHYS/CHEM classes?
  6. What is the passing grade of a certain class?
  7. What is credit by examination (challenge examinations)?
  8. How do I add two courses that have a time conflict?
  9. How do I enroll in EGME 497 Senior Project?
  10. How do I enroll in EGME 499 Independent Study?
  11. How do I find an internship and can I earn units from it?
  12. What is academic probation? What will happen if I am on probation? What should I do?
  13. Can I repeat a class? Is there a limit on how many units I can repeat? How is my GPA calculated if I repeat a class?
  14. I have more questions about academic regulations. Where do I find answers?



  1. I want to learn software such as AutoCAD, SolidWorks or something that is not offered by this program. What do I do?
  2. How do I get a certain software program used for a class I am in on my own computer so I can practice outside classroom?


Transfer Students

  1. What courses will transfer from California public colleges and universities?



  1. Can I participate in the commencement ceremony in May if I graduate in the following December?



1. When should I prepare my study plan?

By your 3rd semester here AT LATEST, you should have an overall plan of when you will complete all of your courses.  If you’re a transfer student with 60+ units, then you should make that plan ASAP.

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2. How should I plan my General Education classes?

If possible, avoid taking all of your GE classes in the first 2-3 years.  This is fine for your first 2 or 3 semesters and is very often unavoidable.  However, it’s ideal to distribute them evenly throughout the program. 

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3. Should I take summer classes?

In general, MATH or PHYS courses during the summer are not recommended unless you have a really good reason (such as a strong math background, or your graduation will be delayed).  MATH & PHYS 225 are very foundational – the workload and cognitive load are very high and the time frame in which to learn is significantly shortened.  It is preferable to take GE classes in the summer if necessary. 

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4. How important are MATH and PHYS classes?

It cannot be overemphasized how foundational these courses are.  Any extra work you put in to go above and beyond what you normally do will earn you a very nice return on your investment as you go through the program.  Know about 1-unit Math Workshops: MATH 125W, 151A, 151B, 251A – supplemental problem solving – recommended by almost all students who have experience with them.  It may be possible to attend without official enrollment.

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5. Are there any supplementary materials to help me learn MATH/PHYS/CHEM classes?

patrickjmt.comOpens in new window & khanacademy.org   

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6. What is the passing grade of a certain class?

The minimum grades for courses to count towards the BSME degree are:

A grade of "C" (2.0) or better is required for MATH, PHYS & CHEM courses.

A grade of "C-" (1.7) or better is required for courses in GE Areas A.1 & A.2.

A grade of "D" (1.0) or better is required for courses in GE Areas C.1, C.2, C.3, C.4, D.1, D.3, D,4 and Z. [1]

A grade of "C" (2.0) or better is required for EGME 306A, 306B, 476A & 476B to meet the Upper Division Writing Requirement.

A grade of "D" (1.0) or better is required for EGCE/EGCP/EGEE/EGME 401 to satisfy GE Area D.1 [1]

A grade of "D-" (0.7) is the minimum acceptable grade for all other EGME, EGCE and EGEE courses.




1) Minimum course grades required may vary depending upon your major.

2) A minimum GPA of 2.00 is required in three areas indicated on the Titan Degree Audit:




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7. What is credit by examination (challenge examinations)?

See UPS 300.006PDF File Opens in new window .

Excerpts from UPS300.006:

  • Courses to be offered as eligible for challenge examinations will be solely determined by the academic departments.
  • In advance of the semester in which a challenge examination is to be administered, the student, using the appropriate University form available in the Office of Admissions and Records, will secure written approval from the chair of the department in which the course is offered.
  • The examination must be administered no later than the end of the second week of the semester. Matriculated students have two options. They may enroll in the course during the normal registration period before taking the exam. If the student does not pass the challenge exam, the student will then have the option of completing the course or withdrawing from it. Withdrawing from a course after the second week of the semester will create a W grade on the student’s transcript. The student should be aware that there is an 18 unit limit on withdrawals at CSUF. Alternatively, s/he may attempt to enroll in the course after the exam if credit failed to be earned. This would involve a late fee and possible wait-listing. Upon successful completion of the examination, the department will promptly report the grade of “CR” to the Office of Admissions and Records. Students who fail the challenge examination and are enrolled in the course that was challenged may elect to continue the course for credit or may officially withdraw from the course through the normal class withdrawal procedure. Students who fail and are not registered in the course may add the course during the first three weeks of the semester if seats in the course are still available.

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8. How do I add two courses that have a time conflict?

Step 1. Enroll in one of the two classes. You'd then be blocked with a registration message if  you attempt to enroll in the second class that overlaps.

Step 2. Go to Admissions & Records (LH-114) and obtain a “Request for Time Conflict  Approval” form.

Step 3. Fill out form and obtain signature from the instructor for each of the two classes (so  that each instructor is aware of the time conflict and your circumstances and agrees to allow  it). 

Step 4. Return form to Admissions & Records by the deadline indicated on the form.

Step 5. Admissions & Records will processes the request, which means they will enroll you in  the second class (course must be open and/or permit issued to add over the set class  capacity in CMS).

Notes: Often, at registration time, the name of the instructor may not yet be known (this can  be especially true with early registration for fall, when registering in July).  If the instructor is  not known, Admissions & Records will tell you to check with the department as to who  would be the responsible person to sign the time conflict form.  Admissions & Records  prefers that the signatures be those of the instructors involved.  If it is not the instructors for  the two classes, there at least needs to be two different authorized/appropriate persons  signing the form (not the same signature authorizing the time conflict for both classes).

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9. How do I enroll in EGME 497 Senior Project?

Check the University CatalogOpens in new window for requirements. Contact a faculty member you want to work with about your project. Fill out this form (EGME 497)PDF File  and turn it in to the ME department (E-100). If it is approved, you will be able to add this class.

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10. How do I enroll in EGME 499 Independent Study?

Check the University CatalogOpens in new window for requirements. Contact a faculty member you want to work with about your plan. Fill out this form (EGME 499)PDF File and turn it in to the ME department (E-100). If it is approved, you will be able to add this class.

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11. How do I find an internship and can I earn units from it?

Please visit CICEOpens in new window  then FOR STUDENTS -> Information cards -> Engineering: EGGN 495.

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12. What is academic probation? What will happen if I am on probation? What should I do?

Visit 'Academic Probation'Opens in new window for information.

If you are a junior or a senior on probation, you will be required to (1) meet with the ME department first for advising; (2) complete an online tutorial (from the link above), print out the worksheet at the end of the tutorial; (3) bring the worksheet with you and meet with Elizabeth Gomez.

If you are a freshman or a sophomore on probation, you only need to meet with a staff member at ECS Student Success Center for advising.

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13. Can I repeat a class?  Is there a limit on how many units I can repeat? How is my GPA calculated if I repeat a class?

Visit 'Academic Regulations'Opens in new window and look up Repeat Policy for a detailed explanation.

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14. I have more questions about academic regulations. Where do I find answers?

Please visit Academic Regulations for more information. You can also visit University Catalog (Requirements and Regulations) to find more information about academic regulations and resources.
If you still cannot find answers, contact Registration and Records.

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1. I want to learn software such as AutoCAD, SolidWorks or something that is not offered by this program. What do I do?

lynda.com  (free access through student portal)Opens in new window

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2. How do I get a certain software program on my own computer so I can practice outside classroom?

First check if the program is offered by central ITOpens in new window . If it is not, ask your instructor. Many companies also directly offer student copies for free.

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Transfer Students

1. What courses will transfer from California public colleges and universities?

You can find out what courses will transfer at assist.orgOpens in new window

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1. Can I participate in the commencement ceremony in May if I graduate in the following December?

If you plan to graduate in a fall semester, you will have to wait until the following spring to officially participate in the spring commencement ceremony. This is a campus-wide policy. Although you can participate at the ceremony, you will likely not be allowed any guest tickets.

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 Last Published 7/25/23

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