Masters Theses 2003-2012

Student Title Adviser
Erin Driver Evaluation of Kinetic Controls on Microbially Mediated Reaction in an Electron Donor-limited Environment Kirby
Michael Hoffman Hydraulic Tomographic Modeling of the Yorba Linda Water Well Field, Yorba Linda, California Laton
Pedro Monarrez Brachipod Community Patterns Following the Onset of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age across the Mid-Carboniferous Boundary G.S.S.P., Arrow Canyon, Nevada Woods
Michelle Vitale Petrology and Mineral Inventory of Basaltic Inclusions from the 2006 Eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska Browne
Jenny Arkle Focused Exhumation in the Southern Alaska Syntaxis: New Insights from Apatite and Zircon Thermochronology Armstrong
Jeff Hathaway Application of Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Mass Spectometry to selected Tephra Layers in the Western United States J.Knott
Michael Martin A Detrital Zircon Provenance Analysis of the Goldstein Peak Formation D.Clemens-Knott
Elizabeth Seal Magma Differentiation as Recorded by Changes in Mineral Stratigraphy within Layered Mafic Cumulates(Western Sierra Nevada Batholiths, California) D.Clemens-Knott
Michael Van Ry Petrology and Barometry of the Earthquake Dome Magma Browne
Karen Anderson Taphonomy of Early Triassic Fish Fossils of the Vega-Phroso Siltstone Member of the Sulphur Mountain Formation Near Wapiti Lake in British Columbia Woods
Shelby Barker-Harold An Investigation of the Potential for Surficial Recharge in the Lucerne Valley Groundwater Basin Mojave Desert, California Laton
Luissa Johnston Spatial Variability in Biogeochemical Processes at the Sediment-Water Interface in a Hydrologically Dynamic Reservoir System Kneeshaw
Jeffrey Reissman Worldwide Search for Anomalies Accelerating Moment Release(A.M.R.) Before Large Earthquakes Bowman
Meredith Rivin (Staley) Early Miocene Cetacean Diversity in the Vaqueros Formation, Laguna Canyon, Orange County, California Bonuso
Luke Sabala Exhumation and Deformation History of the Little San Bernardino Mountains in the Restraining Bend of the San Andreas Fault, Southern California Armstrong
Rene Perez Hydrostratigraphy of the Alto Deep Well: Implications for Sustainable Groundwater Recharge into the Distal Victorville Fan Sediments; Southwestern Mojave Desert, California Foster
Arron Steiner Late Neogene alluvial-fan geochronology and faulting, southern Death Valley, California
A Petrological Investigation of Mafic Inputs Into the Augustine Volcano Magma System over time
Beverly Berekian A Mineralogic Study of the Consolidated Tungsten Mine Skarn, Tulare County, California D.Clemens-Knott
Peggy Brown-Barthel Water Budget and Hydrogeologic Model of Spring Flow at Limestone Hill, Zzyzx Desert Studies Center Laton
Michael Blazevic Subsurface geologic investigation of a Closed Alluvial Basin: Lucerne Velley, San Bernardino County, California & Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of a Glacial-age Sediment Core From Baldwin Lake, Southern California: Evidence for Multi-timescale Climate Variability Kirby
Christine Irwin Cenozoic Burial and Exhumation History of the Eastern Los Angeles Basin, California, from Low-temperature Thermochronology Armstrong
Kenneth Kolstad Analysis of a Steady State Model: Prediction of Trichloroethylene Vapor Concentration Using Known Dissolved Phase Concentration Laton
Anthony Lizzi Evaluation of the Potential Groundwater Resources of the Golem Well, West Rancho Bernardo, San Diego County, California Laton
Eric Patschull Evidence of North Projecting Ancient Boulder Thalweg in Latest Quaternary Deposits of the Santa Ana River, Orange County, California Laton
Sean Hunt Artificial Recharge as Possible Causes of Observed Long-Term Change in Transmissivity of the San Pedro Formation Aquifers, Central Basin of the Greater Los Angeles Basin, California Laton
Brenda Nelson-Ten Bruggencate Paleoproductivity and Paleoredox in the Union Wash Formation,East-Central California: Evidence and Mechanism for Prolonged Biotic Recovery in the Early Triassic Woods
Marsha Sohn Late Neogene alluvial-fan geochronology and faulting, southern Death Valley, California J.Knott
Tammy Surko Gravity Survey of the Lucerne Valley Groundwater Basin: Implications for Basin Structure and Geometry Armstrong
Aron Taylor Geomorphology and geochronology of the San Juan Creek terraces: Implications for Quaternary uplift of the Santa Ana Mountain foothills, Orange County, California Armstrong
Steve Williams Hydrological Investigation of a Shallow Aquifer System with Emphasis on Precipitation Induced Recharge Lower Borrego Canyon Wash, Irvine, California Laton
Broxton Bird A 9,000 Year Record of Long-Term Climate Change and Abrupt Climate Events from Dry Lake, Southern California Kirby
Andrea Figueroa Investigation of the Late Cenozoic Uplift of the Sierra Nevada Mountains (California) Using Kinematic Modeling and Tectonic Geomorphology J.Knott
Nancy Ikeda Testing the False Alarm Rate of Accelerating Moment Release Before Large Earthquakes Bowman
Patrick Versluis The Fate of Perchlorate: A Look at Perchlorate Entering Orange County's Groundwater Laton
Otto Figueroa Groundwater Flow Model of a Coastal Aquifer, Malibu, California Laton


Masters Theses


Pedro Monarrez, Adviser Dr. Woods, Brachipod Community Patterns Following the Onset of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age across the Mid-Carboniferous Boundary GSSP, Arrow Canyon, NV
Erin Driver, Adviser Dr. Kirby, Evaluation of Kinetic Controls on Microbially Mediated Reaction in an Electron Donor-limited Environment
Michelle Vitale, Adviser Dr. Browne, Petrology and Mineral Inventory of Basaltic Inclusions from the 2006 Eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska
Michael Hoffman, Adviser Dr. Laton, Hydraulic Tomographic Modeling of the Yorba Linda Water Well Field, Yorba Linda, CA


Elizabeth Seal, Adviser Dr. Clemens-Knott, Magma Differentiation as Recorded by Changes in Mineral Stratigraphy within Layered Mafic Cumulates(Western Sierra Nevada Batholiths,California)
Jeff Hathaway, Adviser Dr. Knott, Application of Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Mass Spectometry to selected Tephra Layers in the Western United States
Michael Van Ry, Adviser Dr. Browne, Petrology and Barometry of the Earthquake Dome Magma
Michael Martin, Adviser Dr. Clemens-Knott, A Detrital Zircon Provenance Analysis of the Goldstein Peak Formation
Jenny Arkle, Adviser Dr. Armstrong, Focused Exhumation in the Southern Alaska Syntaxis: New Insights from Apatite and Zircon Thermochronology


Shelby Barker-Harold, Adviser Dr. Laton, An Investigation of the Potential for Surficial Recharge in the Lucerne Valley Groundwater Basin Mojave Desert, California
Karen Anderson, Adviser Dr. Woods, Taphonomy of Early Triassic Fish Fossils of the Vega-Phroso Siltstone Member of the Sulphur Mountain Formation Near Wapiti Lake in British Columbia
Luke Sabala, Adviser Dr. Armstrong, Exhumation and Deformation History of the Little San Bernardino Mountains in the Restraining Bend of the San Andreas Fault, Southern California
Jeffrey Reissman, Adviser Dr. Bowman, Worldwide Search for Anomalies Accelerating Moment Release(AMR) Before Large Earthquakes
Meredith Rivin (Staley), Adviser Dr. Bonuso, Early Miocene Cetacean Diversity in the Vaqueros Formation, Laguna Canyon, Orange County, California
Luissa Johnston, Adviser Dr. Kneeshaw, Spatial Variability in Biogeochemical Processes at the Sediment-Water Interface in a Hydrologically Dynamic Reservoir System


Arron Steiner, Adviser Dr. Knott, "Late Neogene alluvial-fan geochronology and faulting, southern Death Valley, CA
A Petrological Investigation of Mafic Inputs Into the Augustine Volcano Magma System over time"
Rene Perez, Adviser Dr. Foster, Hydrostratigraphy of the Alto Deep Well: Implications for Sustainable Groundwater Recharge into the Distal Victorville Fan Sediments; Southwestern Mojave Desert, California


Michael  Blazevic, Adviser Dr. Kirby, Subsurface geologic investigation of a Closed Alluvial Basin: Lucerne Velley, San Bernardino County, California & Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of a Glacial-age Sediment Core From Baldwin Lake, Southern California: Evidence for Multi-timescale Climate Variability
Peggy Brown-Barthel, Adviser Dr. Laton, Water Budget and Hydrogeologic Model of Spring Flow at Limestone Hill, Zzyzx Desert Studies Center
Beverly  Berekian, Adviser Dr. Clemens-Knott, A Mineralogic Study of the Consolidated Tungsten Mine Skarn, Tulare County, California
Christine Irwin, Adviser Dr. Armstrong, Cenozoic Burial and Exhumation History of the Eastern Los Angeles Basin, California, from Low-temperature Thermochronology


Kenneth Kolstad, Adviser Dr. Laton, Analysis of a Steady State Model: Prediction of Trichloroethylene Vapor Concentration Using Known Dissolved Phase Concentration
Anthony Lizzi, Adviser Dr. Laton, Evaluation of the Potential Groundwater Resources of the Golem Well, West Rancho Bernardo, San Diego County, CA
Eric Patschull, Adviser Dr. Laton, Evidence of North Projecting Ancient Boulder Thalweg in Latest Quaternary Deposits of the Santa Ana River, Orange County, California


Sean Hunt, Adviser Dr. Laton, Artificial Recharge as Possible Causes of Observed Long-Term Change in Transmissivity of the San Pedro Formation Aquifers, Central Basin of the Greater Los Angeles Basin, California
Aron Taylor, Adviser Dr. Armstrong, Geomorphology and geochronology of the San Juan Creek terraces: Implications for Quaternary uplift of the Santa Ana Mountain foothills, Orange County, CA
Tammy Surko, Adviser Dr. Armstrong, Gravity Survey of the Lucerne Valley Groundwater Basin: Implications for Basin Structure and Geometry
Steve Williams, Adviser Dr. Laton, Hydrological Investigation of a Shallow Aquifer System with Emphasis on Precipitation Induced Recharge Lower Borrego Canyon Wash, Irvine, California
Marsha Sohn, Adviser Dr. Knott, Late Neogene alluvial-fan geochronology and faulting, southern Death Valley, CA
Brenda Nelson-Ten Bruggencate, Adviser Dr. Woods, Paleoproductivity and Paleoredox in the Union Wash Formation,East-Central California: Evidence and Mechanism for Prolonged Biotic Recovery in the Early Triassic


Andrea Figueroa, Adviser Dr. Knott, Investigation of the Late Cenozoic Uplift of the Sierra Nevada Mountains (California) Using Kinematic Modeling and Tectonic Geomorphology
Broxton Bird, Adviser Dr. Kirby, A 9,000 Year Record of Long-Term Climate Change and Abrupt Climate Events from Dry Lake, Southern California 


Patrick Versluis, Adviser Dr. Laton, The Fate of Perchlorate: A Look at Perchlorate Entering Orange County's Groundwater.
Nancy Ikeda, Adviser Dr. Bowman, Testing the False Alarm Rate of Accelerating Moment Release Before Large Earthquakes 


Otto Figueroa, Adviser Dr. Laton, Groundwater Flow Model of a Coastal Aquifer, Malibu, California