Masters Theses

Kalie Duccini Olivine-Pyroxene Cumulates of the Summit Gabbro, Sierra Nevada Arc: Lessons Regarding Source(s) and Differentiation Pathways of the Arc’s Mafic Endmember D.Clemens-Knott
Dustin Williams From sheets to blobs: The initial emplacement and evolution of a large, long-lived intrusion, the Tuolumne intrusive complex, Sierra Nevada, California Memeti
Angela Aranda Salt Marsh Response and Recovery to Coseismic Subsidence Carlin
Nancy Chen Detrital Zircon Uranium-Lead Geochronology of the Schoonover Sequence (Golconda Allochthon) and the Yokuts pendants (western Sierra Nevada Mountains): Insights into the Late Paleozoic Evolution of Western Laurentia D.Clemens-Knott
Edween Hernandez A Paleoecological Study of the Middle Triassic Within Favret and American Canyon, West-Central Nevada Bonuso
Aaron Katona Tectonic Geomorphology of the White/Inyo Mountains, California J.Knott
Stefanie Mayer A 1200 Year History of Hydrologic Variability Using Sediment from Ford Lake, California Kirby
Kylie Caesar Carbon and sulfur isotope analyses of salt dome cap rocks, biological cycling and formation mechanisms. Loyd
Peter Kloess Twelve Million Years of Bird History - A Specimen-Based Approach To Reconstructing The Late Neogene Bird Communities of California Parham
Robert Leeper Abrupt Subsidence in the Seal Beach Wetlands, Southern California Rhodes
Khadija Nadimi Searching San Eligo Lagoon, Southern California for Paleotsunami Evidence Kirby
Christine Hiner Tracking the Western North American Hydrologic Dipole During the Late Holocene Using Lake Sediments from Abbott Lake, California Kirby
Bethany Malenick Deciphering Biotic Responses to Rapid Climate Change at the Plio-Pleistocene Boundary Bonuso
William Pilesky  A Paleoceanographic and Geochemical Analysis of the Late Ordovician-Early Silurian Ely Springs Dolomite, East-Central California Woods
Paul Alms Complex ichnofabrics in the Lower Member of the Union Wash Formation, California: Failed recovery from the Permain-Triassic mass extinction Woods
Kelly Kinder Paleoenvironmental Conditions in Early Triassic Oceans Along the Western Margin of Pangea: Trace Elemental Analysis of the Middle Member of the Union Wash Formation, East-Central California Woods
Jennifer Kirton Stromatolite Patch Reef from the Lower Triassic Virgin Limestone at Blue Diamond, NV: Paleoenvironmental and Paleoecological Significance Woods
Randall Morlan The effects of agricultural activities on the migration of the Hinkley chromium plume, San Bernadino County, California Laton
Kelly Vreeland (Kathe) A Paleoecological Reconstruction of Oysters from Orange County, California: Understanding the Past to Help Restore the Future Bonuso
Christopher Buchen Field, petrologic and detrital zircon study of the Kings sequence and Calaveras complex, southern Lake Kaweah roof pendent, Tulare County, California Clemens-Knott
Kelly Ferguson Rock Uplift Above the Subduction Megathrust at Hinchinbrook and Montague Islands, Prince William Sound, Alaska Armstrong
Michelle Gevedon Paired oxygen and hafnium Isotopic Analysis of zircon from Gabbros: Identifying potential Mesozoic mantle geterogenity in the Sierra Nevada arc Clemens-Knott
Brittany Pyke (Price) A Holocene Hydroclimatic Investigation of lake Elsinore, Southern California using Seismic Reflection and Sediment Core Data Kirby
Patricia Robards Hydrogeochemical Study in the Irvine Sub-Basin: Using Isotopic And General Mineral Data to Identify Processes of Chemical Modification Clemens-Knott

Masters Theses


Robert Leeper, Adviser Dr. Rhodes, Abrupt Subsidence in the Seal Beach Wetlands, Southern California
Peter Kloess, Adviser Dr. Parham, Twelve Million Years of Bird History - A Specimen-Based Approach To Reconstructing The Late Neogene Bird Communities of California
Khadija Nadimi, Adviser Dr. Kirby, Searching San Eligo Lagoon, Southern California for Paleotsunami Evidence


Christine Hiner, Adviser Dr. Kirby, Tracking the Western North American Hydrologic Dipole During the Late Holocene Using Lake Sediments from Abbott Lake, California
Bethany Malenick, Adviser Dr. Bonuso, Deciphering Biotic Responses to Rapid Climate Change at the Plio-Pleistocene Boundary
William Pilesky, Adviser Dr. Woods, A Paleoceanographic and Geochemical Analysis of the Late Ordovician-Early Silurian Ely Springs Dolomite, East-Central California


Paul Alms, Adviser Dr. Woods, Complex ichnofabrics in the Lower Member of the Union Wash Formation, California: Failed recovery from the Permain-Triassic mass extinction
Jennifer Kirton, Adviser Dr. Woods, Stromatolite Patch Reef from the Lower Triassic Virgin Limestone at Blue Diamond, NV: Paleoenvironmental and Paleoecological Significance
Kelly Vreeland (Kathe), Adviser Dr. Bonuso, A Paleoecological Reconstruction of Oysters from Orange County, California: Understanding the Past to Help Restore the Future
Randall Morlan, Adviser Dr. Laton, The effects of agricultural activities on the migration of the Hinkley chromium plume, San Bernadino County, California
Kelly Kinder, Adviser Dr. Woods, Paleoenvironmental Conditions in Early Triassic Oceans Along the Western Margin of Pangea: Trace Elemental Analysis of the Middle Member of the Union Wash Formation, East-Central California


Kelly Ferguson, Adviser Dr. Armstrong, Rock Uplift Above the Subduction Megathrust at Hinchinbrook and Montague Islands, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Brittany Pyke (Price), Adviser Dr. Kirby, A Holocene Hydroclimatic Investigation of lake Elsinore, Southern California using Seismic Reflection and Sediment Core Data
Patricia Robards, Adviser Dr. Clemens-Knott, Hydrogeochemical Study in the Irvine Sub-Basin: Using Isotopic And General Mineral Data to Identify Processes of Chemical Modification
Christopher Buchen, Adviser Dr. Clemens-Knott, Field, petrologic and detrital zircon study of the Kings sequence and Calaveras complex, southern Lake Kaweah roof pendent, Tulare County, California
Michelle Gevedon, Adviser Dr. Clemens-Knott, Paired oxygen and hafnium Isotopic Analysis of zircon from Gabbros: Identifying potential Mesozoic mantle geterogenity in the Sierra Nevada arc