
*undergraduate student coauthor

**graduate student coauthor

2015, December

American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Ardill**, K.E., Paterson, S.R., V. MEMETI. Schlieren-bound magmatic structures formed by the unmixing of granitic magmas: A case study from Pothole Dome, Sierra Nevada.

BURSZTYN , N., A. Walker, B. Shelton, J. Pederson. Bringing Grand Canyon to the college campus: assessment of student learning in the geosciences through virtual field trip games for mobile smart-devices. 

Caesar**, K.H., J.R. Kyle, T.W. Lyons, S.J. LOYD . Sulfate-dependent Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane as a Generation Mechanism for Calcite Cap Rock in Gulf Coast Salt Domes

De Masi, C.L., C.M. Castillo, A.L.  Deino, G.R. Scott, S.L. Klemperer, J.R. KNOTT. Climate and orogenic evolution of the Sierra Nevada and westernmost Basin and Range as recorded in the Pliocene-Pleistocene Waucobi lake beds. 

Glover**, K.C., M.E. KIRBY, E.J. Rhodes, E. Silveira*, L.R. Stevens, S.E. Lyon, A. Whitaker, G.M. MacDonald. Southern California climate, hydrology and vegetation over the past ~96 ka from Baldwin Lake, San Bernardino Mountains, California.

Hardisty, D.S., Z. Lu, P.K. Swart, N.J. Planavsky, B.C. Gill, S.J. Loyd, T.W. Lyons. 2015, Assessing potential diagenetic alterations to carbonate iodine-to-calcium ratios .

KIRBY, M.E. 30,000 years of hydroclimatic variability in the coastal southwest United States: regional synthesis and forcings analysis.

KIRBY, M.E., W.P. Patterson. Sedimentological and geochemical support for a large flood ca. 4400 cy BP in the coastal southwest United States (Lake Elsinore, CA): Evidence for a drought buster atmospheric river storm?.

Liddicoat, J.C., R.S. Coe, R.,M. Negrini, J.R. KNOTT , S. Lund, L.V. Benson. Temporal correlation of U.S. Great Basin lake sediments below the Mono Lake Excursion using paleomagnetic secular variation. 

LOYD, S.J., L. Lu*, K. Caesar **. Depleted d13C Values in Salt Dome Cap Rock Organic Matter and Implications for Microbial Metabolism and Fixation. 

Mayer**, S.A., M.E. KIRBY , W.T. Anderson, C. Stout*, J.A. Palermo**. Mid-to-Late Holocene hydrologic variability in the Southeastern Mojave Desert using sediments from Ford Lake.

MEMETI, V. Magma volumes and storage in the middle crust.

Palermo**, J.A., M.E. KIRBY. A 1300 Year sub-decadally resolved hydrologic record from the coastal Southwestern United States (Crystal Lake, CA).

Ritterbush, K., D.A. Bottjer, F.A. Corsetti, W.M. Berelson, S.J. LOYD. Examining early-diagenetic processes as a chief sink for carbonate in the aftermath of the Triassic-Jurassic crisis: Hettangian concretions of Muller Canyon, NV, USA.

Santiago, D., K. Rempfert, G. Libanori, F. Zhang, S.J. LOYD, F.A. Corsetti, J.  Spear, B. Stevenson, B. Stamps. Preservation potential of life in Little Hot Creek, California: Implications for the use of hot spring systems as astrobiological targets.

Silveira**, E., J.A. Palermo**, M.E. KIRBY. Using Thecamoebians to Reconstruct 1300 Years of limnological change at Crystal Lake, Southern California.

2015, November

Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

Brush**, J.A., T.L. Pavlis, J.M. Hurtado, Jr., J.R. KNOTT . Evaluating methods of field-based 3D visualization and their implications to mapping metamorphic terranes: An example from the Panamint Mountains, California.

BURSZTYN , N., A. Walker, B.  Shelton, J. Pederson. Stimulating student interest with smartphones: increasing undergraduate motivation to learn geoscience with virtual Grand Canyon field trips.

Caesar**, K.H., J.R. Kyle, S.J. LOYD. Geochemical modeling of the role of sulfate in the precipitation of caclite cap rocks for Gulf of Mexico salt domes. 

Chen**, N.A., D. CLEMENS-KNOTT. Comparison of detrital zircon populations of the Golconda allochthon (northern Nevada) with metamorphic pendants in the western Sierra Nevada foothills (central California).

Chou, L., L. Maldegem, J. Buongiorno, L. Zinke, V. Petryshyn, R. Shapiro, O. Piazza, S.J. LOYD, A.K. Tripati, J. Spear, F. Corsetti. Sequence stratigraphy of Ancient Walker Lake, Nevada reveals unique analog for studying Proterozoic stromatolite formation and climatic forcings. 

Glover**, K.C., G.M. MacDonald, M.E. KIRBY , E.J. Rhodes, L. Stevens, S. Lydon, E. Silveira**, A.  Whitaker. Insight into southern California paleoclimate since marine isotope stage 5c (c. 96 ka) from Baldwin Lake, San Bernardino Mountains.

Hill, J., J.R. Kyle, K. Caesar**, S.J. LOYD. Petrographic and Isotopic Evidence for the Evolution of the calcite cap rock of the Boling Salt Dome, Houston Diapir Province, Texas.  

Jordon*, L.M., E. Wan, C. DeMassi, J.R. KNOTT, S.W. Starratt, L. Walkup. Initial geochronologic framework, stratigraphic correlations, and paleoenvironmental interpretation of the Waucoba Lake Beds, Inyo County, California – a multidisciplinary spot check using tephrochronostratigraphy, 40ar/39ar dating and micropaleontology.

Leeper**, R.J., B.P. RHODES M.E. KIRBY, K.M. Scharer, E. Hemphill-Haley, S. Starratt, J. CARLIN.  Abrupt subsidence in the Seal Beach wetlands, Southern California.

Malenick**, B.A., N. BONUSO. Late Pliocene changes in macro and microfauna community association due to nutrient availability.

Martinez**, A., B. Clausen, V. MEMETI, S.R. Paterson*. Magmatic recycling during construction of a batholith.

Pilesky, W., A.D. WOODS. The paleogeographic distribution of cold water carbonates in late Ordovician sedimentary rocks of the southwestern United States.

Rempfert, K., D. Santiago, G. Santilli Nascimento, F. Zhang, S.J. LOYD, E. Bertran, B. Stamps, B. Stevenson, J. Spear, F.A. Corsetti. Spatial variations in microbial community composition between water and sediment samples in Little Hot Creek, California: Implications for the role of temperature in controlling hot spring diversity.

2015, November

Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (C.E.R.F.) 23rd Biennial Conference, Portland, OR.

CARLIN, J., T. Dellapenna. Shoreface Sedimentation on a transgressive barrier island in response to hurricanes and sea level rise.

2015, November

Death Valley Natural History Association Meeting, Death Valley, CA

KNOTT, J.R., A.L. Garcia. Replicate photography and stability of the Death Valley landscape.

2015, October

Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Meetings, Dallas, TX.

Barboza*, M., J.F. PARHAM, B.N. Kussman*. Vertebrate fauna and ungulate biostratigraphy of the highly fossiliferous Oso Sand Member, Capistrano Formation, Orange County, CA.

Cortez*, C., J.F. PARHAM. An articulated skeleton of Carcharodon hastalis (Lamniformes, Lamnidae) from the ‘Monterey Formation', Orange County, California.

Kussman*, B.N., J.F. PARHAM, L.C. Babilonia. Biostratigraphic analysis of mammalian taxa revises the age of rich Pleistocene sites from the La Habra Formation (Orange County, California) from Rancholabrean to Irvingtonian.

Magallanes*, I., J.F. PARHAM, R.W. Boessenecker. Description of the most complete fossil walrus and its implications for odobenid phylogeny.
Santos**, G.-P., J.F. PARHAM, B.D. Beatty. The most ontogenetically advanced specimen of Desmostylus and implications for ontogeny and senescence of desmostylians.

2015, August

Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing, Redondo Beach, CA.

BURSZTYN , N., A. Walker, B. Shelton, J. Pederson. Bringing Grand Canyon to the college campus: assessment of student learning in the geosciences through virtual field trip games for mobile smart-devices.

2015, August

Goldschmidt, Prague, Czechoslovakia.

Tomek, F., J. Žak, K. Verner, F.V. Holub, J. Slama, V. MEMETI, S.R. Paterson*. Mid to Late Cretaceous plutons recording strain variations in the Sierra Nevada, California.

2015, May

Geological Society of America Cordilleran Sectional Meeting, Anchorage, AK

CLEMENS-KNOTT, D., E. White*, K.M. Duccini*, E.J. Lopez*, M. Gevedon**. 2015, Searching for the mantle-derived endmember of a granodioritic batholith: The Summit Gabbro and associated peridotite of the Kern Plateau, southeastern Sierra Nevada batholith, California.

2015, February

Western Association of Vertebrate Paleontology Annual Meeting, Turlock, CA

Cortez*, C., J.F. PARHAM. An articulated fossil white shark from the "Monterey Formation," of Orange County, California.

Kloess**, P.A., J.F. PARHAM. Changes in seabird abundance during the late Neogene of California.

Magallanes*, I., J.F. PARHAM. A nearly complete fossil walrus from Orange County, California: Implications for the phylogeny of odobenids

Morales*, D., P.A. Kloess**, J.F. PARHAM. On the abundance of flightless auks from the middle Miocene to early Pliocene.

Santos**, G.-P., J.F. PARHAM. Description of the Late Uintan Talega Bonebed from Orange County, California.