Faculty & Staff Password Policy

Based on CSU policy requirements and information security best practices, the campus password expiration guideline requires that all faculty, staff, and student employees change their campus password during the month of October.

Note: Administrative/Department & Emeriti accounts passwords are required to be changed annually.  All Tier 1 & 2 and service accounts passwords are required to be changed every six months.  Email notifications will be sent out 30 days prior to password expiration to the owner and Department IT Coordinator for these accounts.

How to Change your Password

Faculty/Staff/Student Employees/Emeriti

All UsersOpens in new window

On-Campus Mac Desktop UsersOpens in new window


Administrative/Department/Tier1 & 2 Accounts*

Other Account TypesOpens in new window

*Must be on campus, using wired network connection (as opposed to WiFi) on Windows PC.

Mobile Device Updates

After you have changed your campus password, you will need to update your smartphone/tablet/laptop with the new password.

Update Mobile DevicesOpens in new window

Campus Password Guides

Forgot Your Password?

Passwords will not be reset over the phone or chat.

Faculty/Staff/Student Employees/Emeriti

Option 1: Self-Service*

Reset your PasswordOpens in new window

* If you set-up security questions, you can use the Employee Forgot Password option.

Option 2:

Visit the Academic Technology Center (PLS-237) in-person with a valid photo ID. during their business hoursOpens in new window .

Option 3:

Have your Department IT Coordinator (DITC) submit a Password Reset Request Opens in new window


Administrative/Department/Tier1 & 2 Accounts*

Option 1:

Visit the Academic Technology Center (PLS-237) in-person with a valid photo ID. during their business hoursOpens in new window .

Option 2:

Have your Department IT Coordinator (DITC) submit a Password Reset Request Opens in new window

*Tier1 & 2 accounts can only use option two.


Passwords will not be reset over the phone or chat.

Password Requirements

  • Between 12-20 characters
  • Contain three of the following criteria:
    • Uppercase letters
    • Lowercase letters
    • Numbers
    • Special Characters

These are the allowed characters:

! @ $ % & * ( ) , . - _ +

  • No part of your name can be used
  • You cannot use your last 24 campus passwords

If your password does not meet these requirements, you will get an error.

Setup Security Questions

You can setup or update your security questions to allow you to reset your password using the self-service option.

 Security Question Setup

Setup Account Lockout Alerts

Sign-up to receive account lockout notifications on your mobile device

Account Lockout NotificationsOpens in new window