Adobe End User License Agreement (EULA)


By accepting this software,

    1. I may only install this product on a computer that I own and on which I am the exclusive or primary user. I MAY NOT GIVE, LOAN, RENT, OR SELL THE PRODUCT OR MY ASSIGNED SUBSCRIPTION TO ANYONE.
    2. I may only use this software: (a) for my personal use in the pursuit of my studies and/or work at California State University, Fullerton, and (b) while I am a Faculty, Staff, or Student at California State University, Fullerton. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
    3. I understand that this software is licensed as a subscription based service that expires each calendar year of eligibility.
    4. WHEN I LEAVE California State University, Fullerton, if I would like to continue to use the product (upon expiration of my campus subscription), I MUST PURCHASE A RETAIL VERSION of Adobe Creative Cloud to do so. I understand that my status as a faculty/staff/student grants me a significant academic discount until I graduate or separate from California State University, Fullerton.

    IMPORTANT: You assume full responsibility for resolving any problems that may arise if you choose to install and run the software on your computer or devices.