IRB Meetings and Submission Deadlines


Exempt and Expedited applications (studies with minimal risk) can be submitted via the Cayuse IRB online submission website at any time.   Note: This will be approximately a 15 day turnaround time.

Full Board applications including new, continuing reviews and amendments (more than minimal risk) are reviewed on the dates below when a quorum is present. 

A full committee review is required when:

  • Projects involve minors (except where only standardized or educational tests  are being administered);
  • More than minimal risk to subjects is involved (CSUF IRB includes exercise studies and/or studies where blood will be drawn from subjects);
  • Subjects are mentally and/or physically challenged;
  • Prisoners as subjects; and/or
  • Research is of controversial nature.

Remember: Official determination of full committee review is made AFTER the application has been received and reviewed.

csuf irb meeting schedule

These dates may be subject to change. Researchers should check this site frequently to view up-to-date information about meeting and/or submission deadlines. The dates and deadlines indicated in the table below only apply to protocols in the Full Committe Review Category.

   Submission Deadline  IRB Meeting
July 2024   NO MEETING
August 2024 July 26, 2024, by noon August 9, 2024
September 2024 August 30, 2024, by noon September 13, 2024
October 2024 September 27, 2024, by noon October 11, 2024
November 2024 October 25, 2024, by noon November 8, 2024
December 2024 November 29, 2024, by noon December 13, 2024
January 2025 December 27, 2024, by noon January 17, 2025
February 2025 January 31, 2025, by noon February 14, 2025
March 2025 February 28, 2025, by noon March 14, 2025
April 2025 March 28, 2025, by noon April 11, 2025
May 2025 April 25, 2025, by noon May 9, 2025
June 2025 May 30, 2025, by noon June 13, 2025
July 2025   NO MEETING