2016-17 Junior/Senior Faculty Grant Recipients

ASC Award Spending GuidelinesPDF File Opens in new window


College of The Arts

Lisa Draskovich-Long, Theater and Dance
Y Tu Tango? A Collaborative Performance at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival Green Show

John Koegel, School of Music
Mexican-American Music from Southern California, circa 1840–1920: The Lummis Cylinder Collection and Other Sources       

College of Communications

Minjung Kim, Human Communication Studies      
Developmental patterns of speech sounds in young Korean children with speech sound disorders            

College of Education

Terri Patchen, Elementary and Bilingual Education 
Stretching Beyond Stereotypes: Extending the Reach of High-Achieving Adolescents Across Disciplines               

Kristin Stang, Special Education 
A Replication Study and Exploration of the Writing Attitudes and Skills of Teachers in a University Writing Course: Can Teacher Education Courses Make a Difference?

College of Engineering and Computer Science

Beena  Ajmera, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Strength Reduction in Soils Resulting from an Earthquake                

Kristijan Kolozvari, Civil and Environmental Engineering          
Novel Modeling Approach for Seismic Behavior Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Structural Walls 

Binod Tiwari, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Contribution of Geological and Topographical Setting on Post-earthquake Rainfall Induced Landslides    

College of Health and Human Development

Pimbucha Rusmevichientong, Health Science
Understanding how nutrition/food labeling of snacks found in vending machines effects college students’ purchasing decisions

Rebekah Smart, Counseling
Asian American Women and Eating Disorders: A Mixed Methods Study          

Shelli Wynants, Child and Adolescent Studies
Effectiveness of Faculty Online Disability Awareness Professional Development Program

College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Gayle K Brunelle, History         
Fortunes of Violence:  Simon Lecomte, A Merchant in Toulouse During the French Wars of Religion.       

Russ Espinoza, Psychology
Mock Juror Decisions for Immigrant Defendants: An Examination of Contemporary Bias and Sociocultural Influences

Jorge Fontdevila, Sociology     
Stigma-Related Barriers to HIV Prevention and Care among MSM in Orange County          

Sarah Hill, Political Science
Filling the Gap: California Education Nonprofits      

Elaine Lewinnek, American Studies
People's Guide to Orange County

Nga Nguyen, Anthropology
Understanding female reproductive biology in wild Ethiopian gelada monkeys

Elizabeth Pillsworth, Anthropology
Mate Preference Among the Shuar: 10 Year Follow Up    

Irena Praitis, English, Comparative Literature, and Linguistics
Translating Lithuanian Poetry

Zia Salim, Geography
Addressing Housing Affordability: Analyzing the Role of Nonprofits in Providing Affordable Rental Housing        

David Sandner, English, Comparative Literature, and Linguistics
Digital Humanities: Creation of a “Frankenstein Meme” web archive   

Nancy Segal, Psychology
Associations Among Intelligence, Creativity and the Draw-A-Person Test: Analyses of Three Informative Kinships        

Robert Voeks, Geography
The Changing Use of Medicinal Herbs, Vegetables, and Spices among the Indian Diaspora of Los Angeles County, California    

Chris Westgate , English, Comparative Literature, and Linguistics
“Da Real Ting”: Chuck Connors, the Bowery, and the Performance of Modern Celebrity   

Mihaylo College of Business and Economics

Jordan Barlow, Information Systems & Decision Sciences
Collective Intelligence in an Online Workforce                     

Ester Gonzalez, Information Systems and Decision Sciences
Healthcare Fitness Tracking Devices for Organizational Gains     

Yi Jiang, Finance  
What is the optimal time to retire (based on CALPERS data)?     

Sinjini Mitra, Information Systems and Decision Sciences
Human Face Identification under artificial make-up via facial “asymmetry”

David Obstfeld, Management 
Creating Social Capital through the Leveraging of Social Networks, Social Skill, and Brokering: A Study of Disadvantaged College Student Success    

Daniel Soper, Information Systems and Decision Sciences
Changing Minds in Evaluations of Web Interface Design   

Yingdi Wang, Finance      
Measuring Institutional Investors’ Skill from Their Investments in Private Equity

Dawit Zerom, Information Systems and Decision Sciences
Variable Screening for Quantile Regression when Data are Ultra-High Dimensional            

College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Jennifer Burnaford, Biological Science
Understanding the effects of environmental stress on chemical mediation of seaweed-consumer interactions 

Diane Clemens-Knott, Geological Sciences           
Hunting for the primitive end member of the Sierra Nevada volcanic arc using electron beams, mass spectrometers, and mules           

Kathryn Dickson, Biological Science
Minimum size for endothermy, and amount, distribution, and development of the aerobic locomotor muscle that is the heat source for endothermy, in bluefin tunas

Kristy Forsgren, Biological Science
Identifying differentially expressed proteins to understand early ovarian development in fish     

Leigh Hargreaves, Physics
Undergraduate experiment for electron scattering from atoms and molecules

Hope Johnson, Biological Science
The role of NAD+ in bacterial manganese oxidation           

Gina Passante, Physics
Investigating student understanding of quantization in chemistry and physics at CSUF      

Maria Soledad Ramirez, Biological Science  
Light modulation of antimicrobial resistance: a novel approach to enhance the potency of existing antibiotics

Parvin Shahrestani, Biological Science
Identification of environmental and genetic factors that affect insect immune-defense against fungal infection

Paul Stapp, Biological Science
Elucidating the role of opossums in the maintenance and spread of flea-borne typhus