Daniel Curtis, Chemistry and Biochemistry
The influence of atmospheric brown carbon aerosol particles on Earth's climate: Development of a novel multi-wavelength spectroscopic measurement system

Anthony DiStefano, Public Health
A Ground-Truthing Study of Psychosocial Problems in the San Gabriel Valley Chinese Ethnoburb

Kristy Forsgren, Biological Science
Surfperch: A Data-Poor Fishery in Need of Relevant Reproductively-Based Data to Improve Sustainability

Allyson Fry-Petit, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Establishment of Collaboration between the Departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Mathematics at CSUF to Discover the Technologically Important Solid Materials of Tomorrow

Pratanu Ghosh, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Pervious Concrete: a natural solution for vexing problem of non-porous concrete pavement

John Haan, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Understanding the Conversion of Ascorbic Acid to Energy on Carbon Electrodes

Matthew Kirby, Geological Sciences
Sailing in the Mojave Desert

MyungJung Kwon, Politics, Administration and Justice
Enhancing the Effectiveness of Telework Policy in Social Services Agencies

Carol Lundberg, Educational Leadership
Faculty-Student Interaction as Potential Source of Disparities in College Student Outcomes by Race

Niroshika Monerawila Keppetipola, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Characterizing Chemical Modifications in RNA Binding Proteins to Elucidate their Role in Gene Expression

Shaun Pichler, Management
An Interdisciplinary, Multi-University Longitudinal Study of Student Success

Melanie Sacco, Biological Science
Toward Identification of Cellular Targets of the Polerovirus Protein P0 in Resistant and Susceptible Interactions with Plants

Paul Stapp, Biological Science
Ecological impacts of climate change-driven shrub encroachment in a grazing-resistant semi-arid grassland

Siheng Su, Mechanical Engineering
Manufacturing Optimization of Natural Hydrogels for Knee Repair

Kenneth Van Bik, English, Comparative Literature and Linguistics
Documentation of an endangered language, Lamtuk