2014-2015 RSCA Incentive Grants Recipients

Incentive grants provide seed money (up to $10,000, inclusive of any assigned time requests, and subject to college approval) to assist faculty in the pursuit of competitive external grants or funding.

Jason Baker, Child and Adolescent Studies
     NICHD R15 Proposal for Autism Research in Electrodermal Activity
Catherine Brennan, Biological Science
     Studying Psidin to Discern Links Between Phagosome Function and N-terminal Acetylation
Jennifer Burnaford, Biological Science
     Understanding The Effects of Environmental Stress on Intertidal Seaweed-Herbivore Interactions
Ermira Farka, Economics
     Export Nation -- Jump-Starting the Post-Crisis Economy Through Exports: A Southern California Focus
Adrian Fleissig, Economics
     The Impact of Farm Subsidies on Food Purchases by Low-Income Households in California
Andrew Galpin, Kinesiology
     Development of a Method to Measure Human Skeletal Muscle Fiber-Type Specific Nuclear Content
Mikhail Gofman, Computer Science
     Statistical Fusion for Robust Mobile Biometric Authentication
Hope Johnson , Biological Science
     Developing Genetic Tools to Understand Bacterial Manganese Oxidation
Maria Koleilat, Health Science
     Identifying Enablers and Barriers to Physical Activity Among Pregnant Participants of the Special Supplemental
     Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC).
Sean Loyd, Geological Sciences
     Constraining Carbon Sources of Salt Dome Cap Rocks
Alexandra Orchard, Chemistry and Biochemistry 
     Design and Synthesis of Potential Drugs for Treatment of Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Tyler Parry, African American Studies
     Domestic Relations, Morality, and Matrimonial Law Among Slaves in the British Caribbean
Terri Patchen, Elementary and Bilingual Education
     Achieving Beyond Expectations: Cultivating the Capacity of High-Achieving Adolescent English Learners
Jennifer Piazza, Health Science
     Stressor Reactivity, Sleep and Cognitive Impairment: Comparing Associations Between People With and Without
Nina Robson, Mechanical Engineering
     Incentive Grant to Pursue Activities in Developing Novel Methods for the Mechanical Design of Robotic Devices
     for Physical Rehabilitation of Patients with Neurological Disorders
Paul Stapp, Biological Science
     The Role of Mammalian Herbivores in Mediating Shrub Encroachment in Semi-Arid Shortgrass Steppe
Ionel Tifrea, Physics
     Clean Energy From Efficient Thermoelectric Semiconductor Nanostructures
Robert Voeks, Geography
     Traditional African Medicinal Treatment of HIV/AIDS in Mozambique: The Biogeography and Ethnobotany of
     African Potato (Hypoxis hemerocallidea)
Ryan Walter, Biological Science
     Stress Adaptation to Climate Change in Native and Non-Native Oysters
Danielle Zacherl, Biological Science
     Population Demographics and Genetic Structure of Threaded Abalone in Southern California