Nicole Bonuso, Geological Sciences
Documenting Reef Recovery after Mass Extinction

Nicholas Brubaker, Mathematics
Making the connection between microscopic jiggling, schools of fish, and flocks of birds

Russell Espinoza, Psychology
Mock Juror Decisions for Immigrant Defendants: An Examination of Contemporary Bias and Sociocultural Influences

Michael Groves, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Conversion of Carbon Dioxide to Fuel: Merging Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Metal Catalysts

Hope Johnson, Biological Sciences
Manganese phototrophy

Maria Linder, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Purification and structural characterization of a small copper carrier (SCC) in blood and urine that may mitigate against copper overload in mammals

Ryan Nichols, Philosophy
China’s Moral Crisis: A Planning Grant to Create Interdisciplinary Understanding

Derek Pamukoff, Kinesiology
Identification of potential factors affecting muscle force and physical function in Prader-Willi syndrome

Adam Roberts, Psychology
The Effects of NMDAR Hypofunction on Prepulse Inhibition Neurocircuitry in Zebrafish Larvae

Nina Robson, Mechanical Engineering
Towards Developing Novel Methodologies for the Design of Customized Best-Fitted Upper Extremity Prosthetics

Pimbucha Rusmevichientong   , Health Science
Understanding Snack Attributes, Nutritional Ingredients and Parental Factors that Influence Adolescents’ Snack Choices: Evidence from Discrete Choice Experiments

Jochen Schenk, Biological Sciences
Development of a microfluidic negative pressure device

Binod Tiwari, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Development Post-Earthquake Rainfall Induced Landslide hazard mitigation framework project (PERIL Project)