Watch the 2021 College of Engineering & Computer Science Virtual Commencement Ceremony!



 Please continue to scroll down for more videos, photos and messages!


Dean'S Message to the class of 2021

Congratulations to the Class of 2021! I am Dr. Susan Barua, Dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science. We are very proud of you and your accomplishments. As all of us are preparing for a post-pandemic world, we are confident that you will go on to accomplish even greater things. I wish you the very best as you venture out into the new world. Remember, “It takes a Titan” and “Titans Reach Higher”.

Susan Barua

Dean, College of ECS


 Associate Dean'S Message to the class of 2021

Dear Graduating Class of 2021 in Engineering and Computer Science,

Despite all the challenges you faced, including your academic career being affected by the changes brought with Covid-19, you have achieved what many cannot – to obtain a degree in Engineering or Computer Science!  The path to your degree was not easy, and I commend you all for your persistence and resilience in accomplishing what you have done. You are starting a new chapter in your life, that I wish you nothing but jubilation, good health, and success. 

I look forward to your contribution to the future higher-tech society!


Sang June Oh

Associate Dean, College of ECS


Department Chair & Program Coordinator Messages to the Class of 2021

Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduates!
I congratulate you and your family on this significant milestone in your life. It means so much to be a part of your celebrations, class of 2021!

Please do keep your very own CEE department in thoughts as you embark on your professional journey to provide impactful design solutions to the world. The whole world is waiting for you to prove that Titans do Reach Higher!

Prayers and blessings on your graduation and for your future!

Dr. Phoolendra Mishra
Department Chair, Civil and Environmental Engineering


Computer Engineering Graduates!

Congratulations to the graduating class of 2021!

This might not be the commencement you dreamed of, but it does not in any way take away from all the hard work and sacrifices that has brought you to this one moment. Revel with great pride and joy because this indeed is your moment, both to cherish and celebrate!

The graduating class of 2021 will be one that goes down in history for facing the greatest adversities of our time - the COVID-19 pandemic, a global economic downturn along with civil unrest. However, we persevered and have arrived at the tail end of the pandemic with an economic upswing in full force. It is with absolute conviction and the greatest confidence that I say, that because you endured, your class will come out on the other side far more successful, determined and ready for this amazing ride we call life! 

There will always be uncertain and challenging times but only in the face of great adversity will you truly realize your greatest strengths, your resilience, the depths of your endurance, and ultimately your potential that will help you realize your path to happiness and fulfillment!

It has been my greatest honor and I consider it an absolute privilege to have been your professor and I fervently hope that you have learnt from me and each other as much as I have from you.  That is the beauty of education, it never stops, you learn something new every day!

Let me end with the words of President Barack Obama:  “If the world is going to get better, it's going to be up to you, nobody can tell you anymore that you should be waiting your turn, nobody can tell you anymore that this is how it's always been done. More than ever this is your moment, your generation's world to shape.”


Dr. Kiran George
Program Coordinator, Professor,  and Graduate Program Advisor, Computer Engineering Program


Computer Science Graduates!
Warmest congratulations on your graduation and best wishes for your next adventure!

Dr. Christopher Ryu
Department Chair, Computer Science


Electrical Engineering Graduates!

Dear Graduates of EE Class of 2021,

Congratulations!  Despite all the challenges associated with the Covid-19, you have kept your knowledge current and amplified learning to get your degree in Electrical Engineering. You were able to filter out all the noise in earning your degree.  I am confident you will make a massive contribution to engineering that will positively impact people’s everyday lives. 


Sang June Oh

Acting Chair, Electrical Engineering


Environmental Engineering Graduates!
To the 2021 graduating class of environmental engineering master’s students: You made it!  Many of you started this journey without a degree in engineering, and through your hard work and perseverance, you can now proudly proclaim your engineering prowess.  When you started on this road, none of us knew that it would end under such unusual circumstances, but you have kept your head up and pushed through the uncertain times to come out successful on the other side.  I wish you all the best as you head off into your careers.  Go TITANS!

Dr. Garrett Struckhoff
Program Coordinator, Environmental Engineering Masters Program


Mechanical Engineering Graduates!
On behalf of the faculty and staff of Mechanical Engineering, it is my honor to congratulate the graduating class of 2021 on your achievement. We are proud of your accomplishments from your dedication, hard work and perseverance. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Keep pursuing your dreams!

Dr. Chean Chin Ngo
Department Chair, Mechanical Engineering


Software Engineering Graduates!
Congratulations to the MSE Class of 2021! It was a long and hard journey, but you made it. Cheers! I wish you become competitive software leaders by applying what you learned from MSE to the real field. May you be always successful in new opportunities you will meet as you did well in your graduate study. Congratulations! 

Dr. Chang-Hyun Jo
Program Coordinator, Software Engineering (MSE) Program


congrats to MSCE grads

Congratulations to the Class of 2021! You finally made it, and it is time for the next chapter in your life. Good luck on your future endeavors and don't forget to go at your own pace! -Nathin Mabale


Congratulations graduates!! We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments! Wishing you all the very best in your future endeavors! -Sincerely, Vanessa Rubinfeld (ECS Career Specialist)


Congratulations and Best Wishes!  Keep in Contact! -Jeff Kuo


A warm congratulations to our ECS International Students! We are proud of you and wish you much success in the years to come. -Karen Lau, ECS International Advisor


Congratulations class of 2021! We are all so proud of you. Go out there in the world and do great things! -Justin Tran


Congratulations and all the best to you as you move on to the next chapter in your lives! -John Faller


Congratulations Class 2021! -Haowei Wang


A warm congratulations to our Engineering Ambassador Network graduates! We are proud of you and wish you much success in the years to come. -EAN Advisors


Congratulations to all the graduates and best wishes for the road ahead! -Anand Panangadan


Dear Engineering Class of 2021,

Congratulations and thank-you for all your hard efforts as we go through this truly extraordinary uncertain time together. Your perseverance and determination to complete your degree has shown that you can adapt to what life may throw at you in the future and still be successful. Your resilience is truly commendable!

I’m confident that this graduation day establishes the beginning of many proud and successful moments for you! As an undergraduate advisor and faculty of Civil Engineering it was my great pleasure to mentor you and be part of your journey.
All the best for your future endeavors in this brave new world.

Best Regards,
Dr. Pratanu Ghosh, Department of Civil Engineering

Congratulations ECS Graduates!  

It's the first believed in yourself and worked hard for it. Along the way you faced some life's hurdles but you made it through!  Now follow your dream with the tools you've been equipped with. 

Go and be GREAT!

Eileen Yuhico, ECS Dean's Office


Warmest congratulations on your graduation and best wishes for your next endeavor. -Dr. Mo Shiva, Professor, Electrical Engineering Department

Dr. Mo Shiva


Joshua Maranan Computer Science

Joshua Maranan, CS

Joshua Maranan graduate

Arielle Crowe, Mechanical Engineering

Ever since you were born you have been such a Joy.

-MOM!arielle crowe grad

Joshua Maranan, Computer Science

Hi Josh, Congratulations on your achievement, graduating with Honors/Cum Laude. We are very proud of you. Best wishes for your next endeavor. Wherever your journey in life may take you, we pray you'll always be safe. Remember, we are here to support you every step of the way. We love you very much. God Bless you!



Arielle Crowe, Mechanical Engineering

Congratulations Arie!! You have come a long way and your journey is just beginning!! 

Love, Dad

arielle crow baby



Arielle Crowe, Mechanical Engineering

My how time flies!  Grand daughter, you have grown up to be a mighty young woman of excellence of whom we are all so very proud!

Love you much, “Nana”

arielle crowe nana arielle crowe grandma


Austin Murrell

Austin, I'm so proud of you and everything you've accomplished! You did graduate, congrats!

Love always, Your Big Sis 

austin murrell austin murrell family austin murrell sleeping


Dominic Garcia, Mechanical Engineering!
Hey Dom! Congratulations on finally graduating from college! I'm so proud of you and all of your accomplishments even though I've only known you for less than a year. You have made my first year at CSUF incredibly fun and memorable even though I started out virtually. I can't wait to see all the amazing things you will accomplish in the future. And, I can't wait to hang out more in person and make some more memories. You're an amazing person, stay awesome, and congratulations once again.
All love, KC.

Kirti Chaudhari!Sai Pavani Nagisetti
Congrats my dear friend on your graduation :) You are one of the most dedicated persons I have ever known! I love your positive attitude and your friendly nature! I hope you get everything that you wish for! -Sai Pavani Nagisetti

Tyler Viers, Mechanical Engineering!
Mag! Tyler! It was absolutely wonderful getting to know you this year and you made my first year at CSUF fun and memorable even though instruction was held virtually. I will never forget all the gaming moments we shared and I hope one day we can meet and hang out in person. I'm proud of all the accomplishments you achieved and I know you're going to accomplish incredible things in the future. Thank you for being a great and supportive friend, and I hope to make some more memories in the future. Congratulations on finally graduating. You did it!
All love, KC.

Congratulations Classes of 2020 and 2021! We Finally Made It 🎊Anjali Iyer, MS in Computer Science!

Nasim Ghadyani Parsyari,  Computer Engineering!
Graduation is an exciting time. It marks both an ending and begining!Nasim Ghadyani Parsyari

Sasha Licari, Mechanical Engineering!
Congratulations on your college graduation! We are all so happy today as you graduate with your Bachelor's of Science in Mechanical Engineering. Exactly 10 years ago, you arrived in this country not knowing one word of English or where to place a decimal point or even how to do a fraction. Look at you today! Hard work, discipline, and perseverance have brought you to where you are now. We love you and are proud of you, our "chosen" daughter. May God bless you as you begin the next chapter of life.-All our love, Mom & Dad

Vamshi Krishna Parimela, Accelerated Masters in Software Engineering!
Hey Bujji ! Im so proud of you. I wish i could be there for you on this day. Muaaah

Jessica Romo!
Congratulations Jessica! Be proud of your huge accomplishment make sure to celebrate it. Know that we love you and are super proud of you!
-Brenda Monroy  Jessica Romo

Jessica Romo!
I’m so proud of you. Congrats on graduating,  love you forever.
-Amanda Garcia 

Jessica Romo!
I’m so incredibly proud of what you’ve accomplished! Love you lots!
-Tammy Nguyen

Emily Velazco!
We are so proud of you Princess! All your hard work and dedication has brought you to this moment “ Naciste para lograr todo lo que te propones “ A new adventure starts for you today. CONGRATULATIONS 🎓 Class of 2021 :)
-Jenny Velazcoemily velazco

Emily Velazco!
I am so proud of you Emily ! Congratulations! You did it !!
-Sarah Prine

Emily Velazco!
So incredibly proud of you beautiful! I know your going to be an amazing teacher. You’ve always been a great role model for those that surround you. We love you and are extremely proud of you!
-Alma Rivera

Arielle Crowe Mechanical Engineering!
Cousin Arielle, we can’t believe you are already finished with college. So proud and happy for you. Keep striving to be your best!
-Love, Your Cousins Paul, Ian and Neal Underwoodarielle crowe cousins arielle crowe cousin

Arielle Crowe Mechanical Engineering!
WhooHoo!!!  Way to go Cuz!!!
-Whitney, Kelly, and Shakirashaikra martinez shaikra martinez congrats


Jessica Romo!
So incredibly proud of you Jessica! Super proud of all your accomplishments and achievements thus far; can’t wait to see what your bright future has in store for you! Congratulations! We love you! -Stephany

Madhura Suryawanshi!
So happy to share in the excitement of your graduation, and so very proud of you!-Ashish Rajmane

Alexander Wells, Civil Engineering MSCE!
Congrats on this great accomplishment, here’s to the next chapter!

Kevin Nguyen, MS in Software Engineering!
Congratulations Class of 2021! We did it. However, do not leave school forever.kevin nguyen

Usman Tahir, MS in Software Engineering!
Thank you first and foremost to my parents, for supporting me and being there for me for the duration of this Masters degree. I Could not have gotten this far without them. I am thankful for my professors and peers as well, for their guidance and teamwork as we’ve navigated through the coursework for this degree over the past two years. Team Sasquatch (Group 10) for life!

Harshada Prabhakar Bhangale, MS in Computer Science!
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.Harshada Prabhakar Bhangale

Abdullah Alsagheer, Electrical Engineering!
Best of luck to future students, go Titans!Abdullah Alsagheer

Stacy Flores!
CONGRATS on graduating stacy!! So proud of you for all of your hard work. You have been such a great friend and mentee and have far exceeded my expectations. Since I first met you I knew you were going to do great things. HAPPY GRADUATION YOU DID IT!!
-Joshua Mckinleystacy flores graduate

Loanne Nguyen MS Environmental Engineering!
Have faith, be grateful, and trust the plan!

Arielle Crowe Mechanical Engineering!
Congratulations Arielle! Best wishes for continued success!
-Jennifer A. Smith 

Arielle Crowe Mechanical Engineering!
Congratulations Arielle. It is a pleasure to share this extraordinary event with you. I am so proud of the young lady you have developed into. Please continue to set and achieve your goals. Stay as beautiful as you are and remember to acknowledge your blessing.
-Cheryl Ramsey

Arielle Crowe Mechanical Engineering!
Arielle congratulations baby girl. We are so proud of you and your accomplishment. Jeff calls you our "little muffin". This graduation is only the beginning of a new chapter in your adult life. Keep your eyes focused on God and everything else will fall into place.
-We love you, we love you, we love you with all our heart.Uncle and Aunty DyeAnn Johnson

Arielle Crowe Mechanical Engineering!
Congrats, so proud of you!
-Richard Crowe

Arielle Crowe Mechanical Engineering!
Congratulations Arielle!! We are all so proud of you!  Always reach for the stars and shine as brightly as you are!
-We love you!  Aunt Holly and Uncle Keitharielle crowe aunt arielle crowe grad ceremony arielle crowe friend arielle crowe child arielle crowe aunt uncle

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