Retention Specialist, Elaina Sidneyelaina sidney


Contact Information

College of Engineering & Computer Science
Location: CS-201
Phone: 657.278.4392

Elaina received her Master of Arts in American Studies from California State University, Fullerton, in Fall 2020 and her Bachelor of Arts in African American Studies & Asian American Studies from UC Irvine in 2015. She has previously served as an intern and then as a Graduate Student Advisor for the CSUF Academic Advisement Center in 2020. In this role, she provided GE advising services and information on academic policies to the general student population. Elaina was also the Graduate Student Assistant for the Asian Pacific American Resource Center (APARC) in Diversity & Initiatives Resource Center (DIRC) on campus from 2018-2020. At DIRC, she implemented programming on diversity, equity, and social justice for students.

As the ECS Retention Specialist, Elaina will provide academic advisement and hold host Academic Notice (formerly known as Academic Probation) appointments and workshops for undergraduate students. She will help students navigate ECS undergraduate programs with ease and confidence and help them meet their GE and major requirements during these transformative years in their college careers.

 For more information please go to ECS Support Services and Resources.