Fee Payment

The file fee covers expenses incurred processing files and uploading/mailing packets to the professional programs. The cost has been reduced for current matriculated students and recent grads, as tuition fees help supplement the cost of one's file.

Fee Structure

  • Current Students and Recent Alumni (less than one year since graduating) $20 per health profession ($20 Allopathic, $20 Osteopathic, etc.).
  • Alumni (one year or more since graduating from CSUF) $100 flat. This price will not increase if applying to more than one professional program.

Note: MD/PhD applicants fee structure will be priced as if they are applying to one profession.

Disclaimer: Fees are non-refundable and cannot be rolled over to future intent to apply application cycles.

IMPORTANT FEE NOTICE: The $20 fee per profession will provide one upload to a professional school application service. A $25 fee is required for any additional upload/mailing to a Caribbean school. All other additional uploads which may consist of uploading/mailing a committee/letter packet, update to an applicant’s list of schools, and/or individual letter uploads, will require a fee of $20 each. Please plan accordingly, as to which schools you would like to apply to, as this will prevent additional upload fees.

Payment Methods

Please feel free to use one of the payment methods indicated below. We have teamed up with the Student Financial Services (SFS) to offer our students and alumni the ability to pay via debit card, check, cash, cashier's order and money order at the SFS window. Please download the required form; take the completed form and your payment to the SFS window (UH-180). The SFS will not be able to process your payment without this form, so please be sure to bring this with you when paying. Please be sure to bring the Health Professions Advising office a copy of your receipt so that we can record it!

Online payments can be made through the "Pay Now" button below. Debit card or an electronic check will be accepted online. Please forward the Health Professions Advising office a copy of your receipt so that we can record it!

*Please keep in mind that a 2.75% fee is charged for payments made with a Debit/Credit card online*