Our goal with this site is to expand on our core value of 'teaching students how to learn'. As Sandra Yancy McQuire states "one of the best kept secrets in education is if you teach students how to learn, and give them simple, straightforward strategies to use, they can significantly increase their learning and performance." We hope to provide you with the tips, tools, and current research that informs our training and tutoring process on this page. Enjoy!





Student usage of on-campus tutoring and other academic assistance centers has continued to grow ever since the first learning assistance center opened in 1984


Students who use tutoring services are more

likely to pass classes with high failure rates


All assistance centers combined offer help in over 150 courses in more than 30 different subjects


According to a survey, 77% of CSUF students have heard of the various learning assistance centers, but only 26% have utilized one of these services.

Share your experience with a friend!



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