What did you learn in today's session?

"Today I learned how bad my essay would have been if I did not attend the University Learning Center. We went over structure and how to separate paragraphs. The tutor gave me background on what my professor was looking for in the assignment." (use a flourish or info block)

 Do you expect to continue using tutoring services?

"Definitely yes."


- Anonymous

PSYC 110 Student

 Psychology Major

What did you learn in today's session?

"I had a test review and I understand my lecture notes a lot better." 

Do you expect to continue using tutoring services?

"Definitely yes."


- Anonymous

ANTH 101 Student

 Undeclared Major

What did you learn in today's session?

"Today's session made me realize that I simply need to dedicate more time on my assignments to improve my writing. It was just simple questions that I needed answered to be steered in the right direction."  (use a flourish or info block)

 Do you expect to continue using tutoring services?



- Anonymous

PSYC 110 Student

 Political Science Major

What did you learn in today's session?

"How to think!"

 Do you expect to continue using tutoring services?

"Definitely yes."


- Anonymous

PSYC 110 Student

 Psychology Major

What did you learn in today's session?

"Concluding sentences for an introductory paragraph."

 Do you expect to continue using tutoring services?



- Anonymous

ULC 201 Student

 Business Administration Major

What did you learn in today's session?

"I learned how to organize my thoughts and a better way to format my paper."

 Do you expect to continue using tutoring services?



- Anonymous

PSYC 110 Student

 Biochemistry Major

What did you learn in today's session?

"How to determine and solve linear and exponential functions and the different formulas to know which one is right to use to get the correct answer."

 Do you expect to continue using tutoring services?



- Anonymous

MATH 115 Student

 Pre-Business Major

What did you learn in today's session?

"Study Habits: taking notes inside and outside class, asking questions during class, how to approach my professors, how to make my studying effective by setting a plan."

 Do you expect to continue using tutoring services?



- Anonymous

HIST 110A Student

 Undeclared Major