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Student Conduct

The Student Conduct team promotes academic integrity, student rights and responsibilities, and standards of conduct for the University community.

What We Do

The Office of Student Conduct is responsible for receiving reports of alleged violations of the Student Conduct Code at Cal State Fullerton and for adjudicating complaints in a fair and consistent manner. This includes managing reports of alleged misconduct, ensuring that students receive due process and fair treatment throughout the hearing process, and maintaining students' disciplinary records. Student Conduct staff are committed to informing students of their rights and responsibilities as members of the university community and educating our Titan community about conduct standards and procedures at Cal State Fullerton.

Individuals who believe a violation of the student code of conduct has occurred may contact Student Conduct to discuss options available for reporting incidents to the appropriate authorities on campus, or submit an incident report to Student Conduct by using the forms below.


Student Conduct Referral

If you have information about a possible violation of the Student Conduct Code, you can use the Student Conduct Form to submit a report to our office. 

Student Conduct Referral Form


Academic Dishonesty Referral

Report any allegations of academic dishonesty. This can include but is not limited to, cheating, unauthorized collaboration, plagiarism, falsification or fabrication, gaining an unfair academic advantage, assisting or allowing any of these acts, or attempting to commit such acts.

Academic Dishonesty Referral Form

HSS Quad in Bloom

Policies and Procedures 

Student Conduct is governed by a number of policy documents. Some of these policies are unique to Cal State Fullerton, and others are systemwide policies for the California State University system. Please be aware that individual campus departments reserve the right to establish and maintain their own set of policies.

Student Conduct Policies