Chamfer Images

Originally image sizes: 

  • Cat 960 x 960
  • Pixelated Tweetie 315 x 315

CSS Style Overview

  • chamfer
  • list_chamfer

Chamfer images for all or just in a list style

This style is designed to make your images have a touch of softness with their edges without taking away too much from their overall size. The chamfer style alone will affect all images within that section, and the list_chamfer style will only affect images within a list.  You can use the list_chamfer style with many of our list styles (boxes, cards, and catalog, for example) for an extra flourish. 

CSS Style


Chamfer for all

These images will be 100% the size of the image, or 100% size of the space, whichever is smaller (this also depends on other styles applied or template choice). These images were sized to 250 x 250 for this example.

Fat cat Jackie III Pixeled Tweetie

CSS Style


With list_box_medBlue

  • HEADER 2

  • Header 3

  • Link 1
    Fat Cat Jackie III
  • Pixelated Tweetie

    Text under here