Kathleen Davis
Administrative Support Coordinator.
Jeffrey Knott jknott@fullerton.edu
Quaternary geomorphology and paleoclimate of the Mojave Desert; Normal fault evolution; Quaternary stratigraphy and tephrochronology; Biodegradation of organic and inorganic compounds; Inorganic and isotopic groundwater tracers. Department Chair.
Diane Clemens-Knott dclemensknott@fullerton.edu
Petrogenesis of the Early Cretaceous Sierra Nevada batholith: field-based petrographic and geochemical investigations of the isotopically primitive, ultramafic to intermediate plutonic rocks exposed in the western Sierra Nevada foothills. Applications of environmental isotopes to groundwater studies: use of oxygen, hydrogen and tritium-helium isotopes, in conjunction with general minerals, to investigate recharge sources, subsurface flow paths and flow rates, and extent of water-rock interactions. Department Chair.
Phil Armstrong parmstrong@fullerton.edu
Colleagues often ask me what kind of geologist I am. Guess you’d have to say I’m a structural geologist that focuses on the processes and products of the vertical motion of crustal rocks and Earth’s surface at time scales of thousands to millions of years. This research involves both the uplift of rocks, the exhumation of once deeply buried rocks, and basin development. These rocks are generally, but not always, in mountain belt settings such as the Wasatch Mountains in Utah, the mountains of southern California, or the huge mountains of Alaska.
We’re lucky here in southern California because we have what I like to call “Geologic Disneyland” in our backyard – the opportunities for field work in our courses are incredible. My co-workers and I seem bent on wearing out our field vehicles getting to field sites. Department Chair.
Brady Rhodes brhodes@fullerton.edu
Structural Geology, Tectonics, Cenozoic and Quaternary Structure and Stratigraphy of the Northern Thailand Basin and Range Province, Tectonic Geomorphology, Geologic Hazards
Candice Jones
Candice Jones announces retirement after 25+ years.
You have left your indelible mark,
We will miss your professional expertise and your friendship.
John Foster jfoster@fullerton.edu
Engineering Geology, Neotectonics, Quaternary Geology. Department Chair.
Galen Carlson gcarlson@fullerton.edu
Education in the physical sciences/earth sciences for non-science majors; learning theory as it relates to science instruction; research into misconceptions in science; specialized courses in Earth Sciences for prospective and practicing science teachers; coordinator of the MAT-S (Master of Arts in Teaching -Science).
Prem Saint premsaint@yahoo.com
Tom Handzus
Gone fishing.
Neil Maloney
Founding Department Chair
John A. Ryan
Department Chair