Resources & Services

Programs & Services

  •  Referrals to academic and career advising
  •  Assistance with completing the AB 540 Affidavit, the California Dream Act application for financial aid, and with applying to scholarships for which students are fully eligible
  •  Referrals to reliable resources for legal advice
  •  Co-curricular engagement opportunities
  •  Mentoring support
  •  Ally training and access to allies
  •  Counseling and wellness support
  •  Workshops and programs that cover a wide range of topics including: navigating the University, intersections of identity, leadership development, and applying to graduate school


Physical Features

The center provides study and meeting space that can comfortably accommodate visitors.  Some features include:

  •  WiFi accessibility
  •  Projector, screen, and speakers to host meetings, workshops, film screenings, discussions, and other programs
  •  Cell phone charging station
  •  Easily accessible USB wall outlets, and regular three-prong outlets
  •  Eco-friendly water-bottle filling station