Academic Probation Information


First Time Freshmen (student placed on probation after their very first semester at CSUF):


  1. Complete the online Academic Probation Tutorial. .
  2. Check and monitor your CSUF email for information about the Academic Success Institute (ASI) program and workshops.
  3. Check and monitor your CSUF email for information about probation small group workshops from ECS Retention Specialist, Elaina Sidney. Schedule and attend ONE (1) ECS probation small group workshop ASAP. Spots fill up quickly, and are limited to 15 students per session. The Zoom link for the workshop will be provided to you via CSUF email 1 day prior to the workshop.


Continuing Freshmen (second year & freshmen standing 0 units - 29 units ) and Sophomores (30 units - 59 units)


  1. Complete the online Academic Probation Tutorial: .
  2. Check and monitor your CSUF email for information from ECS Retention Specialist, Elaina Sidney regarding setting up an appointment for probation advising appointments. Continuing freshmen and sophomores are required to schedule an one-on-one appointment via TitanNet for probation advising to remove the “Probation Advising Required” hold.


Juniors (60 units - 89 units) and Seniors (90 units or more)


  1. Complete the online Academic Probation Tutorial: .
  2. Meet with the Graduation Specialist, Elizabeth Gomez for probation advising to remove the “Probation Advising Required” hold. Students can meet with the Graduation Specialist by the following two options:
    1. Scheduling an appointment through TitanNet (see instructions below).
    2. Attend advising walk-in hours scheduled every Friday from 9:00am-11:00am via the following Zoom link: .
    3. Meet with your major advisor to remove the “College/Dept Advising Required” hold, which more information can be found at ecs-updates - Engineering & Computer Science | CSUF .




When checking for availability, please ensure you select “College of ECS, Student Success Center/CASECS (Virtual/Online)” as the location to select from one of the following staff members:


  • Elaina Sidney


  • Elizabeth Gomez


Tools to Access TitanNet and Make Advising Appointments:

Instructions for Accessing TitanNetOpens in new window

Instructions for Scheduling an Appointment via TitanNet