CSUF Math Department Colloquium

The CSUF Math Department Colloquium features talks from research mathematicians aimed at a wide audience.

Upcoming talks:

F. Alberto Grünbaum

Monday, January 30 at 2:30 PM
MH 480

Image of F. Alberto Grunbaum

Title: A. Einstein, J. Bell: some history, some math, some experimental work and some technical developments in the 21st century.  An introduction.  

Abstract:   The profound questions of Albert Einstein about quantum mechanics, some of them formulated in his famous 1935 paper EPR, and put much later into mathematical form by the Irish physicist John Bell have given rise to repeated and more sophisticated experiments.  The first one was performed in Berkeley in 1971.  Many developments in the area of quantum computing and quantum communications are the results of efforts to deal with Einstein's questions.  This talk is intended for a non-expert audience.

About the speaker:  F. Alberto Grünbaum is an applied mathematician and Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley.  His research papers explore many different topics, from orthogonal polynomials and special functions, time and band-limiting in signal processing, computerized tomography, integrable systems, and quantum random walks.

He has served as Chair in the Math Department at Berkeley and as chief editor of the journal Inverse Problems, a publication of the Institute of Physics in the UK.



Past talks:

  • Spaces of stochastic distributions and models for stochastic processes.  A white noise space approach. (Dr. Daniel Alpay, Chapman University) - December 3, 2021
  • Orderly formations and traveling waves exhibited by schooling winngs.  (Dr. Anand Oza, New Jersey Institute of Technology) - November 12, 2021