
The academic year for LSAMP begins September 1st and closes August 31st of the following year. At CSUF there are two different classifications within LSAMP: Research Scholar and Participant. The classifications are defined below:



This individual is part of LSAMP and can also be funded by another undergraduate research program at CSUF. This individual does not receive any funding from LSAMP for conducting research and is not required to perform research.  However, participants are eligible to participate in a fully funded summer international REU where they can receive a $4,000 scholarship. We hope that participants can quickly move to become a research scholar. 


Research Scholar

During the academic year, the research commitment is about 7 hours per week. Research Scholars receive $1,000 research scholarship each semester. They are also eligible to  participate in a fully funded summer international REU and receive a $4,000 scholarship.

For additional details on requirements and expectations, please visit the application page.