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President's Directives:
No. 1: Consumption of Alcohol
No. 2: Commerical Transactions, Solicitation
No. 3: Sale of Published Materials
No. 4: Handbills
& Circulars
No. 5: Public Meetings
No. 6: Sale of Food, Beverages, Merchandise & Services
No 7: Marketing of Alcoholic Beverages
No. 8: Violence in the Workplace
No. 9: Attorneys in Student Disciplinary Hearings
No. 10: Student Fee Advisory Committee
No. 11: Expenditure of University Funds
No. 12: University Risk Management
No. 13: Information Security
No. 14: Retaliation for Protected Disclosure
No. 15: Telephones
& Portable Communications

No. 16: Personal Transportation
No. 17: Student Privacy and Education Records

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President's Directive No. 4

University Policy Regarding Handbills and Circulars on Campus

This directive is issued pursuant to Sections 89031 and 89035 of the Education Code. Violation of this directive is a misdemeanor and is punishable as prescribed in Section 19 of the California penal Code and/or Section 41301, Title 5, California Administrative Code. Except as provided in this direction, it is unlawful for any person to, upon the grounds of the University campus cast, throw, deposit, or distribute any advertising handbills or circulars except by written authorization from the president or his/her designee and subject to the posting standards regulations as attached to this directive. Under no circumstances shall any handbills or circulars by placed upon any parked vehicle on the grounds of the University or from or adjacent to any roadway.

California Administrative Code, Title V, Section 42352 states that:

“No person or persons shall, upon any of the grounds of any campus, cast, throw, deposit or distribute any advertising handbills or circulars which contain false, misleading, or illegal advertising.”

“The distribution of written or printed matter shall be permitted on campus, subject however, to reasonable directives by the campus president as to the time, place and manner thereof. All directives issued by a campus president pursuant to this section shall be available to the public at places designated pursuant to Section 42354. Distribution of written or printed matter in violation of established campus directives regarding time, place, and manner is prohibited.”

Section 42354 states:

“Notice shall be posted at or near the principal entrances of each campus calling attention to the existence of regulations relating to soliciting handbills and circulars, and to public meetings, performances, rallies and similar public events, citing by the number of sections in this Article, and designating the places where copies thereof and of directives issued by the campus president pursuant thereto may be examined.”


If issued without charge, any lawful handbill or circular may be distributed by any person subject to the following regulations:

  • Time: Any time

  • Place: In any unreserved exterior location, except the parking lots, building courtyards and patios, and at least 25 feet distant from the entrance of any building.

  • Manner: In a manner which does not interfere with normal pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and with special consideration for the mobility problems of handicapped persons; without interfering with the instructional program; without the use of voice amplification equipment; and subject to the premises being left in the same condition in which they are found. Handbills, circulars or other announcements shall not be inserted into copies of the Daily Titan awaiting distribution unless the Daily Titan has been paid the advertising cost of such insertions; nor shall they under any circumstances be placed on parked vehicles.


In those involving students or student organizations, the President’s designee is the Vice President for Student Services or the Vice President’s designee. In all other cases, the President’s designee is the Vice President for Administration.

Posting Policy

The University administration wishes to assist student, staff and faculty organizations in publicizing events on campus, asking only that the best possible use be made of available space so as to avoid unsightly and/or damaging displays. The following has been adopted to assure us of success of these regards:

A. Organizations that are officially recognized* by the University are permitted to post on campus as follows:

For posters, the areas are:

  1. On any of the many open boards or kiosks located on the grounds and in the buildings.

  2. On wooden stakes in campus landscaped areas except those with grass surfaces.

  3. On department bulletin boards with the prior permission of the department.

  4. On easels placed in the lobby of the lobby of the Performing Arts Center if the sign announces activities sponsored by one or more of the School of the Arts’ departments.

  5. On easels in the central quad and around the Commons provided that these signs are set up in connection with a table for selling tickets, disseminating information, etc. When such tables are removed, the signs must also be removed.

For banners, the areas are:

  1. On the hooks provided in the ceiling of the 1st-floor (north end) center corridor of the Letters and Science Building, to be hung as 20” by 132” suspended signs.

  2. On the railing of the walkway bordering the north-end entrance to the Letters and Science Building’s center corridor, to be hung as large anchored banners.

  3. On either railing of the bridge connecting the Letters and Science Building and the Performing Arts Center, and to be hung as large anchored banners.

  4. On the quad-facing railings of the building balconies (see addition below), to be hung as large anchored banners:

  5. In the glass area above the south doors to the Physical Education Building (reserved for the announcement of intercollegiate athletic events).

The posting of posters or the hanging of banners on other surfaces or in other locations is prohibited. Prohibited areas include, but are not limited to:

  1. Any exterior wall, window or door.

  2. Except as provided in 5 above, any interior wall, window or door except those in private offices.

  3. Any tree or plant.

  4. Any light standard, utility pole or overhead support column.

  5. Any sidewalk.

  6. Except as provided in 2, 3, and 4 (relating to banners) above, on any railing.

Certain special regulations pertain to the use of banners. Large banners (as distinguished from standard-sized posters) may be hung as suspended designs from the railings of any quad-facing building balcony so long as:

  1. The banner is affixed to and does not extend beyond a wooden frame, to be provided by the University.

  2. The frame is limited to the size of the railing and is safely attached either to the railing or adjacent building surface in the manner prescribed by the University Activities Center.
  3. The lettering on the banner is done with a non-water soluable paint.

  4. The banner legibly identifies its sponsor and/or source.*

  5. The banner is used to publicize a scheduled event on or off campus and allowed to hang for no more than ten days.

  6. The banner’s content is that which is legally allowable.

B. Organizations that are not officially recognized, including those that are nonprofit or commercial in nature, are permitted to post on campus as follows:

On any of the opening boards or kiosks located in the central quad, provided the material first has been stamped in the Office of Public Affairs.

C. Materials not posted in accordance with the above will be removed by the custodial staff except that removal from open boards or kiosks shall be the responsibility of the university Activities Center. Anyone may remove expired items to make room for new material.

D. Persons availing themselves of the privileges herein stated shall be expected to observe the regulations in this and other University policies as well as related law. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in a loss of posting privileges.

E. Implementation of this policy shall be the responsibility of the Vice President for Student Services and Vice President for Academic Affairs, and/or their designated representatives in consultation when necessary with other appropriate University authorities.

NOTE: Although not a portion of the policy as published, it is to be understood that the custodial staff is merely responsible for the removal of any item on a building surface where there is no bulletin board (except for office walls and doors); the monitoring of all other matters remains as an assignment for the University Activities Center.

Date: July 9, 1984

Acknowledged by: Jewel Plummer Cobb, President California State University, Fullerton

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