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President's Directives:
No. 1: Consumption of Alcohol
No. 2: Commerical Transactions, Solicitation
No. 3: Sale of Published Materials
No. 4: Handbills
& Circulars
No. 5: Public Meetings
No. 6: Sale of Food, Beverages, Merchandise & Services
No 7: Marketing of Alcoholic Beverages
No. 8: Violence in the Workplace
No. 9: Attorneys in Student Disciplinary Hearings
No. 10: Student Fee Advisory Committee
No. 11: Expenditure of University Funds
No. 12: University Risk Management
No. 13: Information Security
No. 14: Retaliation for Protected Disclosure
No. 15: Telephones
& Portable Communications

No. 16: Personal Transportation
No. 17: Student Privacy and Education Records

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President's Directive No. 5

University Policy Regarding Public Meetings, Performances, Rallies, or Similar Public Events on Campus

This directive is issued pursuant to Sections 89031 and 89035 of the Education Code. Violation of this directive is a misdemeanor and is punishable as prescribed in Section 19 of the California Penal Code and/or Section 41301, Title 5, California Code of Regulations. Except as provided in this directive, it is unlawful for any person, group or organization to present, perform or participate in any public meeting, performance, rally or similar public event except as authorized by the president or his/her designee and subject to conditions and requirements as attached.

Sections 42353 and 42354 of Title 5, California Code of Regulations state as follows in pertinent part:

“The President of the campus may permit the use of campus buildings and grounds for public meetings, performances, rallies and similar events held in accordance with reasonable directives issued by the respective campus president as to the time, place and manner thereof. Any such event occurring on campus in violation of established campus directives regarding time, place and manner is prohibited.”

“Notice shall be posted at or near the principal entrances of each campus calling attention to the existence of regulations relating to soliciting handbills and circulars, and to public meetings, performances, rallies and similar public events, citing by the number the sections in this Article and designation the places where copies thereof and of directive issued by the campus president pursuant thereto may be examined.”


A. Public meetings, performances, rallies, and similar events may be held by students and faculty in accordance with procedures approved by the President.

B. Public meetings, performances, rallies similar public events may be held by non-students or non-faculty only with written permission of the President or the President’s designee.

C. Fund-raising activities may occur in accordance with provisions of the campus Facility Use Manual.

D. Public meetings, performances, rallies and similar public events must not disrupt the educational process.

Time, Place, Manner:

Such events may be held in accordance with scheduling procedures approved by the President or the President’s designee. These procedures include but are not limited to the following regulations:

  1. Rallies, public meetings and performances held in the central quad, which require amplification may use only the sound system and technician provided by the University center.

  2. Musical performances in the central quad, which require amplification, may occur only between 12 and 1 p.m.

  3. In no case shall any activity occur if it disrupts the educational process.

  4. Space for any meeting, rally or other public event held in an exterior location must be scheduled through the Office of Student Life or, in the case of physical education, athletics and recreation facilities, through the campus Sports/Physical Performance Complex and in accordance with policies and procedures governing use of those facilities. Student groups wishing to schedule a meeting, rally or other public event indoors must also schedule through the Office of Student Life

  5. Speakers are not to be subjected to harassment, nor is the right of all to hear the speaker to be infringed.

  6. All students, and faculty and staff on their own time, are free to participate in demonstration as long as the activity, in the opinion of the President or the President’s designee, does not disrupt ordinary foot and/or vehicle traffic, or otherwise interfere with the operations of offices and/or the conduct of classes, and as long as it does not occur in places other than those in which University business is not normally conducted (such as an exterior location or the lobby of a building). Demonstrations may not be conducted in classrooms, offices or reception areas.

In those case involving students or student organizations, the President’s designee shall be the Vice President for Student Affairs or the Vice President’s designee. In those cases involving faculty or faculty organizations, staff, non-students, the President’s designee shall be the Vice President for Administration or the Vice President’s designee[i1] .

Approved : January 1971
Revised and Reissued: April 1980
Revised and Reissued: December 17, 1990
Revised and Reissued: February 1994

Acknowledged by: Milton A. Gordon, President California State University, Fullerton

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