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President's Directives:
No. 1: Consumption of Alcohol
No. 2: Commerical Transactions, Solicitation
No. 3: Sale of Published Materials
No. 4: Handbills
& Circulars
No. 5: Public Meetings
No. 6: Sale of Food, Beverages, Merchandise & Services
No 7: Marketing of Alcoholic Beverages
No. 8: Violence in the Workplace
No. 9: Attorneys in Student Disciplinary Hearings
No. 10: Student Fee Advisory Committee
No. 11: Expenditure of University Funds
No. 12: University Risk Management
No. 13: Information Security
No. 14: Retaliation for Protected Disclosure
No. 15: Telephones
& Portable Communications

No. 16: Personal Transportation
No. 17: Student Privacy and Education Records

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President's Directive No. 7

University Policy Regarding the Marketing of Alcoholic Beverages on Campus

Pursuant to our desire to encourage responsibility in the use of alcoholic beverages as reflected in my directive of September 1, 1983 regarding the sale, furnishing without charge and consumption of alcoholic beverages on campus, I issue this directive to stipulate the conditions under which alcoholic beverages may be advertised on campus:

Alcohol beverages marketing programs specifically targeted for students and/or held on campus must avoid demeaning sexual or otherwise discriminatory portrayal of individuals.

Promotion of beverage alcohol must not encourage any form of alcohol abuse and not place emphasis on quantity and frequency of use.

Beverage alcohol (such as kegs or cases of beer) must not be provided as free awards to individual students or campus organizations.

No uncontrolled sampling as part of campus marketing programs will be permitted and no sampling, or other promotional activities, will include “drinking contests.”

Where controlled sampling is allowed by law and University policy, it will be limited as to time and quantity. Principles of good hosting will be observed including availability of alternative beverages, food and planned programs. The consumption of beer, wine and distilled spirits must not be the sole purpose of any promotional activity.

Promotional activities must not be associated with otherwise existing campus events or programs without the prior knowledge and consent of appropriate institutional officials.

Display or availability of promotional materials must be determined in consultation with the Vice President for Student Services or designee.

Informational marketing programs must have educational value and subscribe to the philosophy of responsible and legal use of the products represented.

Beverage alcohol marketers must support campus alcohol awareness programs that encourage informed and responsible decisions about the use or non-use of beer, wine, and distilled spirits.

If permitted, beverage alcohol advertising on campus or in institutional media, including that which promotes events as well as product advertising, must not portray drinking as a solution to personal or academics problems of students or as necessary to social, sexual, or academic success.

Advertising and other promotional campus activities must not associate beverage alcohol consumption with the performance of tasks that require skilled reactions such as the operation of motor vehicles or machinery.

Approved: March 19, 1984

Acknowledged by: Jewel Plummer Cobb, President California State University, Fullerton

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