Video Audition Process
For out-of-state applicants or others during the COVID pandemic
Please note that video audition submissions are accepted for out of state applicants, but live auditions are strongly recommended.
Video Audition Format
1. Introduction: Begin your recording by clearly stating your name and the date of the videotaping.
2. Technique Section: This section should be framed to show the full body. Wear leotard and tights, NO ballet skirts, sweats, or plastic warm-up pants.
Note: We will be assessing your skeletal alignment, center, movement, as well as musicality and performance quality.
1. Barre Work (in profile) should include the following exercises:
• Plié exercise in 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th position with port de bras
• Tendu exercise from 5th
Rond de jambe rond exercise
• Développé exercise in each position
2. Center work should include the following exercises:
• A 16 counts adagio incorporating, but not limited to, développés in all positions using different body positions, promenade in arabesque or attitude. Please perform your 16 counts to the right and then to the left.
• A 16 counts exercise traveling across the floor showing change of directions and incorporating (but not limited to) the following steps: piqué arabesque, piqué or relevé développé à la quatrième devant in éffacé or croisé position, tombé pas de bourrée, double pirouette en-dehors, double pirouette en-dedans, balancés and piqué turns.
• 16 counts allegro incorporating (but not limited to) the following steps: assemblé, échappé sauté in 2nd position, glissade, jeté and sissonne. Please perform your 16 counts to the right side and left side.
• A 16 counts allegro incorporating (but not limited to) the following steps: grand jeté or saut de chat, tour jeté, assemblé en tournant.
(In profile) demonstrate a contraction and release of the torso.
Demonstrate a fall and recovery of your choice
Demonstrate triplets and triplet turns across the floor.
Perform a sixteen-count Modern/Contemporary phrase that travels across the floor and incorporates jumps and turns.
Perform a Modern/Contemporary based Solo of 1-2 minutes length.
For out-of-state applicants, to audition by video for the fall semester, submission must be completed by February 11th. Applying students must apply to the university and submit video link(s) on the Dance Audition Application .
Please make sure you include the link(s) to the video materials and password if necessary. If you have any questions you may contact:
Alvin Rangel-Alvarado, Dance Program Director
California State University Fullerton