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Student Fees


Executive Order No. 1102 outlines CSU System requirements to establish or adjust student fees and designates student fees as “Category I,” “Category II” “Category III,” “Category IV”, “Category V”, or "Category VI". See a copy of  Executive Order 1102. This Memorandum describes how to create or adjust fees charged to students at Cal State Fullerton. Forms that must be completed to request the establishment of or adjustment in an existing fee are available in the Vice President for Student Affairs Office. You will also find these forms included below. Visit the Student Business Services website for a  list of student fees.

Students posing for a picture during a women's soccer match

Fee Action Instructions 

Consultation with the Vice President for Student Affairs Office prior to submitting a request for fee action is required and will facilitate the fee proposal process in a timely manner. Please contact Alisa Flowers at

The fee proposal requires numerous steps and involves a number of offices across campus. You are strongly encouraged to plan for a minimum of two months to complete the process. If approved, the fee effective date will depend on the time required to implement the new fee/fee increase.

In order to facilitate PeopleSoft implementation of the new fee/fee increase, contact Joyce Cross in Student Business Services at This step is required and will involve consultation with Financial Aid.  In most cases, set aside money is required to redistribute to financial aid applicants.

Be as descriptive and complete as possible when outlining the rationale for the proposed fee action. Do not submit a request until obtaining all required approvals. Laleh Graylee, Director of Budget Operations can assist you, if necessary, in completing the statement of revenues and expenditures. She can be reached at ext. 2304 or via email at Do not submit a request until this statement is complete. 

If you have any questions concerning these procedures or forms, please contact Alisa Flowers in the Vice President for Student Affairs Office (LH 805) at


2023-24 SFAC Meetings

Meeting Information:

October 26, 2023 | 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
December 7, 2023 | 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
February 22, 2024 | 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
April 25, 2024 | 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Note: Meetings are open to CSUF faculty, staff, and students. To ensure that meetings remain a secure space, information on how to join is available by request only. Please email Ariana Mora Mero ( if you would like to attend.

2023-2024 SFAC Committee

Maysem Awadalla
Student Member, ASI President, and Co-Chair of SFAC 

Dr. Vincent Vigil
Sr. Associate Vice President for Student Affairs & Dean of Students, and Co-Chair of SFAC 

Ashley Zazueta Rodriguez
Student Member and ASI Board Chair 

Mark Zavalkov
Student Member and ASI Vice President

Sara Perry
Assistant Athletic Director/CFO

Alyssa Adamson
Executive Director, Academic Resources

Raymond Juanico
Senior Budget Analyst

Cameron Jordan
Student Member 

Jayson Joshi
Student Member   

Christian Lawrenz
Student Member   

Aldrin DeGuzman
Student Member

Ashley Park
Student Member

Dr. Eileen Walsh
Academic Senate Chair

Dr. Jidong Huang
Professor of Electrical Engineering

2023-24 Student Success Initiative Fee Advisory Committee (SSIFAC) Meetings

October 19, 2023 | 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
November 30, 2023 | 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
February 15, 2024 | 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
April 11, 2024 | 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

2023-24 Student Success Initiative Fee Advisory Committee

Maysem Awadalla
Student Member, ASI President, and Co-Chair of SSIFAC 

Kerri Boyd Crooks
Associate Director, Health Services and Co-Chair of SSIFAC 

Greg Paules
Senior Associate Athletics Director

Raymond Juanico
Senior Budget Analyst

Lorraine Nunez-Santana
Student Member 

Shay Quock
Student Member 

Nathaniel Wamala
Student Member 

Benjamin Chauchereau
Student Member 

Michael Babinec
Student Member 

Dr. Jidong Huang
Professor of Electrical Engineering

Alyssa Adamson
Executive Director, Academic Resources


Executive Orders & President's Directive

Fee Reports